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Jason Mraz: Love Letter to the LGBTQ Community

For Gay Pride Month, Billboard asked numerous pop culture luminaries to write "love letters" to the LGBTQ community. Below, Grammy-Award-winning singer-songwriter Jason Mraz opted to write a poem. Read more Pride Month love letters here.

Love Poem to the LGBTQ Community

Dear You,
Thank you.
You have inspired me.
Re-wired me.
You showed me what strength is.
You demonstrated courage over and over again.
You risked so much for love.
You never compromised your expression
Even when
Your rights and freedoms were being compromised.
You stood up for me.
You stood up for the world.
And now the world is better because of you.
We still have a long way to go
But know
I am bi your side.
All ways.

Jason Mraz

Gay Pride Month 2017