The Wayback Machine -

RiskIQ for Ad Security

Combat the Growing Threat of Malvertising with RiskIQ

Detect Existing and Emerging Digital Threats and Stop Malvertising in its Tracks

The recent explosion of programmatic and self-serve demand models in the online display ad marketplace has created a lucrative and highly targeted malware distribution vehicle for adversaries. It’s no surprise the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) estimated that malvertising compromised nearly 100 billion ad impressions by 2015.

Ad networks, ad operations teams, and publishers real-time visibility and forensic information that enables them to detect and respond to malicious ads in the wild to mitigate risk and and maintain trust with customers and partners.

RiskIQ and You:


RiskIQ enables advertising and ad technology teams to take immediate action to identify and remove malicious malvertisement hosts and advertisers from
 your network or publisher website and minimize the threat to your end users.

Our cloud-based service intelligently and continuously scans billions of pages and tens of millions of mobile apps per day to track advertisements as they move through the ad supply chain.

With RiskIQ, you can:

View new demand sources and prevent malware within their ad infrastructure with RiskIQ’s curated blacklist of malicious ads from across the internet.

Deactivate infected ads in real time via forensic evidence sent by RiskIQ as soon as we detect them.

Analyze incidents with the transparency and forensic information provided by RiskIQ.

Read the case study: For Adcash, RiskIQ Partnership Pays off with Clean Ads

Prevent bad ads during onboarding via RiskIQ’s predictive, internet-scale data sets, such as WHOIS, DNS, SSL, Trackers, Domain Reputation, Host Reputation, URL Reputation, and Ad Reputation.

Dive into the entire ad redirect chain and creative sources, which indicate which part of the ad-serving process was compromised and identify the entity responsible for full investigation and remediation of the problem.

Get the solutions brief: RiskIQ Ad Quality Solutions