The Wayback Machine -

Solutions for Incident Response

Digital Threats are Fast. You need to be Faster.

Increase your visibility into digital threats and improve your ability to respond

Digital business initiatives and the massively increasing size and scale of the internet continue to lower the bar for hackers to carry out successful attacks. Attackers simply have too many places to hide online, and the decreasing cost of infrastructure enables them to build and deploy malicious sites rapidly and take them down just as fast. At the same time, they have a much broader surface to attack, with so many digital assets now external to a company.

Today’s incident response teams, no matter their size or maturity level, must sift through a massive amount of alerts to quickly identify and respond to all threats to their company, brand, and customers—without being led astray by false positives.

Two things are essential:

  1. Having the proper visibility across your entire digital footprint
  2. Understanding how threat actors may be using multiple components to stage an attack.

Time is of the essence. Full visibility with proper intelligence makes all the difference in stopping a threat early or preventing it from occurring at all.

Discover the real battlefield for cybercrime

Automate, Automate, Automate

From detection to response, automation with integrated internal and external intelligence is your best friend to investigate, uncover real threats and close incidents faster

RiskIQ’s machine learning-based detection is more accurate than other solutions on the market, which means we eliminate the false positive hits produced by other automated detection systems, which waste time and delay enforcement. We apply our intelligence to the various source feeds we ingest and can automate the processing of your organization’s abuse boxes, web server referrer logs, and DMARC reports as additional detection sources.

In addition to processing our data and other source feeds, RiskIQ utilizes a broad network of virtual users to uncover attack infrastructure and detect threats as they come online. Virtual users are fast, automated crawlers that visit web pages, social media profiles, and app stores and store the entire chain of events—as a real human user would see, as well as understand “what’s happening under the hood” in the browser.

When virtual users interact with web pages, they take note of links, images, dependent content, and other details to construct and record a sequence of events and relationships observed during their user session.

Virtual users can be configured for nearly any type of behavior or discernable characteristic of a real user, which might impact the experience of that user and what web pages and content they can observe online, and therefore, what data is recorded and available for analysis in the RiskIQ platform.

RiskIQ conducts this ongoing intelligence on a massive scale, traversing the entire internet every week, as well as consuming social platforms and mobile app distribution and usage. We have a comprehensive view of the online world and can uncover threat activity in its early stages.

Use automation to prioritize and monitor digital threats

Integrated Detection, Response Workflow, and Monitoring

Drive down your MTTD and MTTR, while ensuring threats are defeated

Using RiskIQ virtual user technology, we have tens of thousands of virtual eyes and ears on the internet, proactively detecting threats to your organization, analyzing them, and helping categorize and prioritize them based on filters that your incident response and security operations teams set.

Our event management and incident response workflow makes it easy to collaborate and avoid duplicating work or preventing a “right and left hand” issue within the security team. All incident responder interactions, including status changes, notes, and tags, are recorded in the event history. Event ownership can also be assigned to specific users to avoid confusion. For additional context, RiskIQ’s interface automatically correlates related events and links to our PassiveTotal platform, where analysts can quickly discover other threat infrastructure owned or used by the same actor.

To understand the risks leveled against your organization, RiskIQ’s comprehensive reporting shows breakdowns by target brand, target country, and origin country as well as trend data over time to help identify campaigns and understand who is targeting your organization and how they’re doing it.

With RiskIQ:

  • Efficiently manage large volumes of alerts to focus on the ones that are most meaningful
  • Avoid spending too much time reviewing and researching individual alerts
  • Reduce the lifespan and potential damage of attack campaigns
  • Quickly block threats and enforce takedowns
  • Understand where improvements can be made
  • Have the context needed to understand the threats targeting your organization

The Citizen Lab: Defending Civil Society with RiskIQ PassiveTotal®

Related Resources

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Learn about PassiveTotal
Read the Datasheet
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Mapping Attack Infrastructure: Leave Your Foe With Nowhere to Hide
Watch the Webinar
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Using Internet Data Sets to Understand Digital Threats
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