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Upload Data for Custom Floodlight Variables

By default, a conversion contains a limited amount of descriptive data, such as the time the conversion occurred, the source of the conversion, and optionally a monetary value. If you collect additional data about your conversions, such as the country to which a purchased item is shipped, product IDs, or even the duration of a telephone call, you can use custom Floodlight variables to track the data and upload it to DoubleClick Search (DS).

After you upload the data, you can:

  • Create reporting columns in DoubleClick Search to display the data or use it to filter a Floodlight column.

  • Use the data in formula columns.

  • Use the data to segment and group reports.

  • Use the DoubleClick Search API to download reports that contain the data.

Learn more about using the uploaded data.

Setting up custom Floodlight variables

You initially set up custom Floodlight variables as part of configuring Floodlight in DoubleClick Campaign Manager. Then, your DS customer service contact will set up the custom variables in DoubleClick Search. After these steps are done, you can specify data for the variables when you add or modify conversions.

Variable name and type

Each variable is assigned a friendly name that is unique for a given advertiser and one of the following data types:

  • Metric: Numeric data that DS aggregates in conversion reports. For example, metric variables can be used to keep track of overall shipping costs or to keep count of items purchased.

  • Dimension: Numeric or text data that can be used to filter data in a report. For example, dimension variables can track a store name or numeric product ID, and then be used in a Floodlight reporting column that contains only the data from a specific store or for a specific product.

Uploading the custom data

To upload data for a metric custom Floodlight variable, include the following field in a Conversion.insert() or Conversion.update() request:

   'customMetric': [
        'name': 'friendly-name',
        'value': Number

To upload data for a dimension custom Floodlight variable, include the following field in a Conversion.insert() or Conversion.update() request:

   'customDimension': [
        'name': 'friendly-name',
        'value': String


For example, an advertiser has the following custom Floodlight variables configured for DS:

  • sales (metric)
  • shipping (metric)
  • product_type (dimension)
  • product_id (dimension)

If a customer completes a purchase over the telephone, you can make the following Conversion.insert() request to upload the conversion and include data for the custom metrics:

Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json

 'kind': 'doubleclicksearch#conversionList',
 'conversion' : [{
   'agencyId': '12300000000000456', // Replace with your ID
   'advertiserId': '78900000000000123', // Replace with your ID
   'engineAccountId': '101100000000000123', // Replace with your ID
   'campaignId': '13400000003156701', // Replace with your ID
   'adGroupId': '58700000128508001', // Replace with your ID
   'criterionId': '43700001095692142', // Replace with your ID
   'adId': '0',
   'conversionId': 'test_20140121_01',
   'state': 'ACTIVE',
   'type': 'TRANSACTION',
   'revenueMicros': 10000000, // To report $10 of revenue, specify 10 million revenueMicros
   'currencyCode': 'USD',
   'segmentationType': 'FLOODLIGHT',
   'segmentationId': '25700000001472562', // Replace with your ID
   'conversionTimestamp': '1390073000011',
   'floodlightOrderId': 'test',
   'customMetric': [
      'name': 'sales',
      'value': 2.0
      'name': 'shipping',
      'value': 3.0
   'customDimension': [
      'name': 'product_type',
      'value': 'shoes'
      'name': 'product_id',
      'value': 'shoe 2'

Handle DoubleClick Search responses

As with other Conversion.insert() or Conversion.update() requests, if the request succeeds, the response includes the full DoubleClick Search internal representation for each uploaded conversion.

If the request fails to validate or upload, the response includes failure messages. For more information about these failure messages, see Handle DoubleClick Search responses for insert requests.

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