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NAM Condemns Intervention in Venezuela, Says Caracas

Puebla, Mexico, September 15, 2016 ( – The countries of the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) have all condemned calls for international intervention in Venezuela, Caracas’ representative Rafael Ramirez said Thursday.

Speaking to state broadcaster VTV, Ramirez said Venezuela had secured a statement of support from NAM countries against US sanctions on Caracas, and calling for international respect of Venezuela’s sovereignty.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez welcomed the news, and praised NAM for being a “great force” for peace.

“We’re a movement with with constant challenges, but … we know without a doubt we can be a powerful force,” she said.

The calls for international respect for sovereignty are expected to be incorporated into a 907 paragraph NAM declaration, set to be signed later Friday by ambassadors from member states of the international organisation. According to state news outlet AVN, the main themes of the declaration will be peace, sovereignty and security.

Representatives of the 120 NAM member states have held talks throughout this week on Venezuela’s Margarita Island. Despite being little known in the west, NAM is the world’s second largest international body after the United Nations.

The summit on Margarita Island was only the fourth in the body’s history to take place in Latin America.

During this year’s summit, Venezuela assumed the rotating presidency of the organisation. President Nicolas Maduro has stated he hopes to use the position to promote change at the United Nations, including greater respect for state sovereignty.

Published on Sep 16th 2016 at 11.37am