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It is not 'time to move on' over Brexit: it's time to fight

The Guardian - ‎6 hours ago‎
He said he would probably vote against any move to trigger, via the infamous article 50, the Brexit process, and noted the shambles the government has already got itself into over trying to square the circle of remaining in the single market and ...
What does Brexit mean? With divorce talks looming, Britain still doesn't have a clue.
Visegrad Group of EU states 'could veto Brexit deal'

Theresa May faces rebellion as Tory MPs launch new 'hard Brexit ... - ‎9 hours ago‎
Theresa May is facing fresh unrest from Eurosceptic Tory MPs who are plotting a major campaign to push her into delivering a “hard Brexit”.
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Fashion & Style|Will 'Brexit' Upset the Melting Pot That Has Been British Fashion?

New York Times - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
“From our homegrown start-ups to international fashion houses - every business in the creative industry will play a major role in ensuring we make a success of Brexit,” Mrs. May said in a statement released later. (She did not mention the vote at the ...

Questor: Hinkley boost for Brexit-hammered construction group Kier - ‎13 hours ago‎
Hinkley Point's go-ahead last week has delighted the Chinese and energy company EDF, but it has also peaked expectations of a Government splurge on ...
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Hammond Said to Be Ready to Ditch EU Single-Market on Brexit

Bloomberg - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
With the government staking its credibility on regaining control over U.K. borders after the June 23 Brexit vote, Hammond considers it unrealistic to expect actual membership of the single market after Britain leaves the EU, the officials said ...
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European Union states 'could veto any Brexit deal' says Slovakian PM Robert Fico

The Sun - ‎7 hours ago‎
A GROUP of European countries is ready to veto any Brexit deal that would limit people's right to work in the UK, according to Slovakian PM Robert Fico.
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What will happen to EU nationals in the UK after Brexit?

The Week UK - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
There is no chance that European Union citizens currently living in Britain will retain the same rights once Brexit is completed, a legal expert has warned.
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Diane James Is Elected to Lead UKIP, a Force Behind the 'Brexit' Vote

New York Times - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
Mr. Farage, who spent his political career pushing for Britain to quit the European Union, said that the “Brexit” vote was a “fairy tale come true,” and credited UKIP with causing an “earthquake” in British politics.

Beijing weighs nasty UK shock to business interests after Brexit

Financial Times - ‎18 hours ago‎
Well before the UK voted for Brexit, China had made its view on the issue abundantly clear. It was dead against it. Everyone from President Xi Jinping to Wang Jianlin, one of China's richest businessmen, had expressed fervent hopes that the top ...
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Nick Clegg says Brexit chaos can help Lib Dems back to power

The Guardian - ‎8 hours ago‎
“Politics is so volatile these days and this government is so rudderless when it comes to Brexit negotiations that Liberal Democrats should not dismiss the possibility that we might once again need to play a role in putting the country first sooner ...
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International Business|As Britain Confronts 'Brexit,' a Canadian Takes Center Stage: Mark Carney

New York Times - ‎Sep 14, 2016‎
Mark Carney, the first foreigner to head Britain's central bank in its 322 years of existence, was suddenly a crucial figure in the improvised effort to manage the fallout of the so-called Brexit vote. No one knew what the referendum meant, but markets ...
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Brexit trade deal talks 'should be conducted on Royal Yacht ...

The Independent - ‎16 hours ago‎
A Conservative MP has called for the royal yacht Britannia to be recommissioned and used to help secure post-Brexit trade deals. The ship, which acted as the ...

Canada to step up UK trade with new export hub after Brexit vote - ‎10 hours ago‎
The EDC said its decision to open a site in London showed that it takes “a long-term view on the strength of the UK economy following the Brexit vote, providing a stable source of capital”. “EDC recognises that this is a time of uncertainty for ...
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Blowing up Brexit: How Euro elites are trying to kill off UK ...

Fox News - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
When Britain voted to leave the E.U. in June -- by a comfortable margin and with a record turnout -- it may have seemed the fight was won.

Boost in funding to promote concept of EU citizenry after UK Brexit ...

The Guardian - ‎10 hours ago‎
Former Conservative culture minister Ed Vaizey successfully requested a €30m cut to the budget of the Europe for Citizens programme in 2013.
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Brexit Bulletin: EU Seeks Unity While Banks Lobby for Certainty

Bloomberg - ‎Sep 15, 2016‎
Sign up to receive the Brexit Bulletin in your inbox. European leaders are meeting today without the U.K. for the first time in 43 years, aiming to build a shared vision for their post-Brexit bloc. The trouble is the vision may be more blurred than shared.
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Brexit Forces the EU to Make a 'Roadmap' to Avert Collapse

Bloomberg - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
The result was a “roadmap” of concrete steps toward closer cooperation on defense, spurring economic growth and bolstering security both internally and on the EU's external borders, with Brexit cited as the impetus to overhaul the way the EU works.
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Brexit: Juncker fails to impress Europe's media

BBC News - ‎Sep 14, 2016‎
European newspapers have been debating the future shape of post-Brexit Europe this week - and some are not sure European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's widely expected state of union address offered many answers.

Pub-goers undaunted by Brexit but wine prices to rise - The Telegraph - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
Pub-goers have shrugged off the uncertainty caused by the vote to leave the European Union, but should be braced for the price of a glass of wine to rise, ...