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Christian Science Monitor - ‎16 hours ago‎
Not Egypt but Peru? A discovery at an ancient temple site in Peru means that indigo dye was used to color cotton at least 1,800 years before scientists had previously believed it was. By Christina Beck, Staff September 16, 2016. Save for later Saved ...

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Los Angeles Times - ‎Sep 16, 2016‎
Take a good look at the piece of cloth pictured at the top of this story. That was made 6,000 years ago by people living on the coast of Peru. Now check out those faint blue lines running through it. Yes, they're washed out, but you can still see them ...
Phys.Org - ‎Sep 14, 2016‎
A George Washington University researcher has identified a 6,200-year-old indigo-blue fabric from Huaca, Peru, making it one of the oldest-known cotton textiles in the world and the oldest known textile decorated with indigo blue. Credit: Lauren Urana.
Live Science - ‎Sep 14, 2016‎
This ancient scrap of fabric, decorated with indigo blue stripes, was found embedded in a concrete-like material that made up Peru's Huaca Prieta temple. Credit: Photo courtesy of Lauren A. Badams. The oldest indigo-dyed fabric ever found has been ...
Science Advances - ‎Sep 14, 2016‎
Archaeological research has identified the use of cultivated cotton (Gossypium barbadense) in the ancient Andes dating back to at least 7800 years ago. Because of unusual circumstances of preservation, 6000-year-old cotton fabrics from the Preceramic ...
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Christian Science Monitor - 16 hours ago
Washington Post - Sep 16, 2016
National Geographic - Sep 14, 2016