ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Police responded to a Minnesota mall Saturday night after reports of multiple gunshot and stabbing victims.

St. Cloud police confirmed the incident occurred at Crossroads Center.

"There was an incident at Crossroads Mall, they're investigating what it is, and the incident is contained," St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson said.

St. Cloud Police Sgt. Jason Burke told the Times that a stabbing report started the incident. He said there are multiple confirmed victims and police believe a suspect is dead.

Shortly before 9 p.m., a St. Cloud police officer with an assault rifle could be seen near the an entrance to a Macy’s sstore. Other officers were searching shrubbery near the mall with flashlights, according to Times staffers on the scene.

Harley and Tama Exsted of Isle were in the mall when the incident occurred.

"All of a sudden I heard pop pop pop," Harley said. "I thought someone tipped over a shelf. All of a sudden these people started running. I just saw everybody running our way."

The couple escaped unharmed and said they helped another woman who was running from the scene to her car.

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