Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana this month in Canfield, Ohio. Credit Ty Wright for The New York Times

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, Donald J. Trump’s running mate, released a letter on Saturday from his doctor saying that Mr. Pence’s health was “excellent” and that he could maintain his high level of work and exercise routines “without limitations.”

The letter about Mr. Pence, 57, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, was dated Thursday and came after Mr. Trump; Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee; and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, had provided some details of their medical history. The health of the candidates has drawn interest since Mrs. Clinton stumbled at a memorial event for the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and revealed afterward that she had received a diagnosis of pneumonia.

Mr. Pence’s letter was written by Dr. Michael Busk of the St. Vincent Health, Wellness and Preventive Care Institute in Indianapolis. Dr. Busk summarized Mr. Pence’s medical history and results of a physical examination from July 6.

Dr. Busk said that Mr. Pence had had basal cell carcinomas — a form of skin cancer — removed from his face in 2002 and 2010. He also had surgery in August 2015 to repair a hernia.

Mr. Pence last had a colonoscopy in 2009, and no polyps were found. The only medication Mr. Pence takes is Claritin for seasonal allergies, Dr. Busk said, and he does not drink alcohol or smoke. The doctor also said that Mr. Pence had “diet-controlled heartburn” and that he exercised four times a week.

Mr. Pence has a condition known as “left bundle branch block,” which causes the heart’s left ventricle to contract later than the right ventricle. He had “extensive evaluations” at the hospital in 2014 after the discovery of that condition, Dr. Busk said, adding that “the cardiologists feel you have a very good and strong heart.”

Mr. Pence’s main form of exercising is bicycling, the doctor said, and he also walks and climbs stairs extensively. Mr. Pence is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 208 pounds. His total cholesterol was 216.

The letter did not characterize his weight or cholesterol levels, but those figures place him in the overweight range of the standard body-mass-index calculator and “borderline high” on the cholesterol scale. His L.D.L., the so-called bad cholesterol, was borderline high at 150, while his H.D.L., the good cholesterol, was in the good range at 55.

Mr. Trump’s and Mr. Kaine’s health letters indicated that they also were overweight. Mrs. Clinton has not released information on her weight.

During the July visit to the doctor, Mr. Pence met with a nurse, exercise physiologist and dietitian to discuss his nutrition and fitness regimens, Dr. Busk said.

“Over all you are in excellent general and cardiovascular health,” the doctor wrote. “You are medically able to maintain your high level of professional work and your physical activity programs without limitations.”

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