NPR logo Mike Pence Releases Medical Information, Has 'Very Good And Strong Heart'


Mike Pence Releases Medical Information, Has 'Very Good And Strong Heart'

Mike Pence speaks to Republicans at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., on Sept. 8. Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

toggle caption Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images

Mike Pence speaks to Republicans at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., on Sept. 8.

Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images

Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence is in "excellent general and cardiovascular health," according to a letter from his doctor that was released by his campaign, Saturday.

The letter, written by Michael Busk, a physician at St. Vincent Health, Wellness and Preventative Care Institute in Indianapolis, goes on to say that the 57-year-old Pence is "medically able to maintain [his] high level of professional work and [his] physical activity programs without limitations."

It also noted that Pence has a "very good and strong heart," and that he regularly exercises by cycling, walking and climbing stairs.

Pence's release comes after a week of intense discussion about the health of the candidates on both tickets. The Indiana governor's running mate, presidential nominee Donald Trump, discussed his health on television earlier this week, with controversial celebrity TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz. He also released a one-page summary of his health from his personal physician, declaring that he is in "excellent physical health."

Both Democratic nominees, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, made disclosures this week that declared them healthy and fit for office.

The health of all of the candidates has been a hot topic since Clinton fell ill and had to leave a Sept. 11 memorial event last weekend. Her campaign later revealed that the former Secretary of State had been diagnosed with a mild pneumonia.

After a few days of rest, Clinton returned to the campaign trail Thursday.

She released a two-page letter from her doctor explaining her recent health history. But that didn't stop the Trump campaign from taking a swing at the Democrat, by noting in Trump's medical release that the 70-year-old Republican nominee was healthy enough to campaign "uninterrupted."

If elected, Trump would be the oldest first-term president in history. Clinton, at 69, would be the second oldest.

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