DoubleClick by GoogleDoubleClick by Google

The Goals

  • Positively shift brand perception.
  • Present a more human face as a company.

The Approach

  • Created video ads highlighting research and humanitarian efforts.
  • Used DoubleClick’s Programmatic Guaranteed to buy video inventory on premium sites.
  • Optimized budget towards best performing audience segments.

The Results

  • 65% view-through rate.
  • £0.03 cost per view.
  • 8 million completed views.
  • 82% completion rate.
  • Significant shift in brand perception.


Published March 2016

As a multinational pharmaceutical company, GSK wanted to present the public with a more human face. GSK worked with MediaCom to highlight their investment into groundbreaking research that’s helping save people’s lives. In telling this very human story, the campaign used video to deliver a highly emotive impact.

When it came to expanding that impact across audiences, GSK and MediaCom turned to DoubleClick’s Programmatic Guaranteed to buy video ad inventory on premium websites. As a feature of DoubleClick Bid Manager, this allowed the team to guarantee delivery via the best publishers and impressions.

By using DoubleClick, MediaCom could look at key audience insights and action those insights at the click of a button, then optimize budget towards best performing audience segments. As a result, GSK achieved 8 million completed views with a view-through rate of 65.6% and cost per view of £0.03, as well as a significant shift in brand perception among valuable audiences..

Through Programmatic Guaranteed we were able to look at key audience insights as well as action those insights by the click of a button and then optimise budget towards the best performing audience segments.

Tom Kelly, Programmatic Director, MediaCom


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