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Published August 2016

Without question, back-to-school — the second largest retail season of the year — offers enormous opportunity for advertisers and agencies. It’s your chance to reach millions of students and parents with new promotions, trends and brands. K-12 shoppers will spend an estimated $27.3B on school items this year, and college students are expected to spend another $48.5B. Though online searching for back-to-school items now occurs much earlier in the season (April-May), shoppers typically purchase during just one to two weeks, with late August being the hottest time.

DoubleClick Ad Exchange helps advertisers and their agencies create memorable experiences for consumers looking to purchase. Whether you’re trying to reach kids and college students to get them excited about new merchandise or attract parents with special promotions and key messages, DoubleClick Ad Exchange gives you access to a huge selection of premium publishers — with clean inventory and engaging cross-screen formats.

Check out our back-to-school guide to learn how DoubleClick Ad Exchange can help you increase your reach during the shopping season.


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