DoubleClick by GoogleDoubleClick by Google

The Goals

  • Optimize performance across devices
  • Grow sales with bid automation

The Approach

  • Measure impact using cross-device conversion metrics in DoubleClick Search
  • Generate attribution insights to understand the path to purchase
  • Automate bidding across devices based on attribution insights

The Results

  • Increased total clicks and conversions by 30%
  • Grew incremental conversions by 170% on smartphones, 17% on tablets and 12% on computers


Published July 2016

AnadoluJet is the rapidly growing, low-cost branch of Turkish Airlines. It offers affordable routes between dozens of cities throughout Turkey including Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir. In just eight years, the company has grown its fleet of airplanes from 5 to 32 and currently achieves an average occupancy rate of 85% across its flights.

Aiming for a mobile, cross-device strategy 

By mid-2015, AnadoluJet's paid search activity had grown to a point where it was too much of an operational burden to continue to manually adjust bids for all keywords and campaigns across devices. In addition, AnadoluJet's paid search strategy lagged behind the growing mobile search opportunity in Turkey where 66% of smartphone users who purchased a travel product in the past 12 months have researched or purchased products on a smartphone, according to data from Mobile in the Purchase Journey.

AnadoluJet's digital marketing team partnered with Starcom Mediavest Group and VivaKi to implement a cross-device search marketing strategy that would streamline operations, increase ticket sales while maintaining mobile traffic and help them gain a full understanding of the path to purchase on mobile in order to allocate their marketing budget most effectively. To achieve these goals, the team looked for a solution that would help them automate, optimize and measure all of AnadoluJet’s search campaigns across devices.

Implementing a mobile, cross-device strategy with DoubleClick Search 

AnadoluJet, Starcom and VivaKi turned to the DoubleClick Search Performance Bidding Suite as the perfect solution for their objectives because it offered automated bidding and measurement capabilities, which would help the team save time, boost conversions and gain insights about consumer purchase behavior. The team implemented DoubleClick Search Smart Bidding to automatically use cross-device conversions to intelligently bid on clicks across devices, ensuring campaign dollars were being allocated most effectively across each device.

The move to Smart Bidding was the perfect opportunity to get bidding in perfect alignment with our goals to grow AnadoluJet's mobile footprint in order to increase conversions across devices.

Serena Veyisi, Biddable Media Executive at VivaKi Turkey

Budget allocation was also improved by the way Smart Bidding used attribution data to understand which type of clicks were leading to the most conversions. Since a lot of travel research happens on mobile devices, AnadoluJet used the DoubleClick time decay model to distribute credit across multiple clicks prior to a conversion and validate upper funnel paid search activity that would eventually lead to conversions. Optimizing to this model helped grow AnadoluJet's presence and success in mobile.

Mobile conversions on AnadoluJet with DoubleClick Search

The strategy works: AnadoluJet drives 30% more conversions

DoubleClick Search Smart Bidding drove the exact results that AnadoluJet, Starcom and VivaKi set out to achieve. It drove a 30% incremental lift in clicks and conversions across devices. This overall incremental lift came from a 170% lift in conversions on smartphones, a 17% lift in conversions on tablets and a 12% lift in conversions on computers. In addition, the move to automated bidding allowed the team to reclaim all of the time that was being spent on manual bidding.

DoubleClick Search is helping us solve the cross-device challenge. We are now able to accurately map the consumer journey across devices and build an attribution model that credits the right channels. As a result, we are investing smarter and more effectively. Understanding cross-device data has given us a competitive edge which is key to driving incremental growth in the aviation industry.

Ahmed Özdemir, eCommerce and Communication Manager at AnadoluJet

Veyisi at VivaKi Turkey added, "Further to operational relief, we were thrilled to see sales and site traffic increase by 30%."


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