
Are you human-focussed?

People are the heart of every system. If you make a product, it’s people who will choose to use it and pay for it – with money, or with their time, attention or data – or not. If you have a brand, it’s people who will believe in it and stand by it… or not. If you run a company, it’s people who will come in every day and do their best to achieve its goals… or not. So if you have strategies that aren’t focussed on people, chances are they’re not going to get you very far.

We work with businesses and governments to firmly and productively embed human-centred thinking at all levels, targeting and pursuing the win-win outcomes where both business and customer, government and citizen, benefit. Because when we put people first, great things can happen.

▾ Our services


What we do

Making businesses human-centric


Superventions are a range of pre-packaged consulting engagements specifically aimed at startups.

Your runway is limited and you need to make sure your product is right. And making a great product isn’t just about bringing your ideas to life – it’s about what customers find valuable.

We map your ideas and your product against market trends and customer needs, identifying win-win areas where both customers and commercials benefit, giving your product the best chance of success.

Superventions are available at three levels, all of which leverage the basic Superhuman Toolkit. Add-on modules are available to ensure you get the outcome you need.

Download the Superventions info sheet.


Whether you have one product or a hundred, if they don’t meet the expectations and needs of customers and generate real value, they will not succeed.

We work with you to align your product or portfolio with your company’s vision and also with real customer needs, exposing new commercial opportunities and identifying areas of focus to get the best outcomes for both parties, creating a sustainable foundation for decision-making that will work for you well into the future.


Smart Design Worldwide       Founders Factory     BBVA Group


No matter how great your idea, product or service is, it can be brought down by a poor or inappropriate experience. But hiring a team of designers, no matter how talented, isn’t always enough – the experience needs to be aligned to the overall vision of the company in order to bring the results you’re looking for.

We work with you to establish a baseline and principles for experiences and interactions that will guide the design efforts and help ensure your customer experience is cohesive and excellent across all channels, current and future.


          Founders Factory     


Everything changes. As products and portfolios mature, priorities and ecosystems evolve, companies are acquired or teams brought in-house, team formations lines of governance need to be adjusted as well, so that teams can continue to work together effectively toward a common goal.

We work with you to understand the ideal shape of your teams and how best to organise or re-organise them to deliver against your vision.


           Founders Factory     


Having a great idea is not the same as having a successful product or company. Many organisations, from startups to corporate innovation and R&D labs, struggle to take their ideas from prototype to scale.

We work with you to frame your ideas and inventions in the context of today’s market and future trends, crafting propositions that are sustainable, scalable and commercially viable, and establishing frameworks and roadmaps that will guide you through to market.



▾ How we do it

How we do it

Human-centred all the way

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all processes – in 20 years, we’ve never seen two projects that are exactly alike. We do, however, believe in repeatability, rigour and pace. We work quickly, collaboratively and effectively to ensure you get exactly what you need to take action.

Below are some of the ways we work with our clients.


Our toolkit is comprised of frameworks and methods that have been honed over 20 years of experience across all industry verticals. Our proprietary tools are specifically designed to produce highly useful results very quickly, and to remain useful as our clients’ businesses grow and evolve.

Our founder, Louisa Heinrich, is writing a book on these tools. Let us know if you’d like to hear when it’s out.


When you need to reach answers quickly, there’s still nothing better than face-to-face workshops. Our unique facilitation methods leverage our Toolkit and are designed to help you quickly and collaboratively work through problems and reach consensus.

We work with you to design sessions tailored to your specific needs, so that we can quickly reach tangible and actionable outcomes.


Even the best laid plans can go astray in time, no matter how good the intentions. It can be useful to have a partner who can drop in regularly to keep you on track.

We offer our clients the option to keep us involved on a part-time retainer basis, to offer check-ins and feedback on product and experience as they evolve and develop, ad-hoc advice on issues that arise, and mentoring for leaders and designers.


We have designed a series of seminars based on our workshop techniques and focussed on the problems we see most often in our clients’ organisations. These are occasionally offered as open sessions, but you can book them at any time for your teams.

We can also create a customised full-day or half-day session based on your specific needs. Read more about our packaged seminars here.


▾ We are Superhuman


We are Superhuman

Louisa Heinrich – Founder

Louisa is a design, strategy and innovation leader. Over the past 20 years, she has been part of the development of many technologies that are now considered commonplace. As design director during the first dotcom boom, Louisa led the design of some of the first digital consumer projects for banks, healthcare companies and government services. She was executive director for BBC future platforms when iPlayer was released. As global head of strategy for international design agency Fjord (now part of Accenture), she was responsible for trends and thought leadership, as well as working on award-winning projects such as Bonnier Media’s News Plus, which reinvented the newspaper for the touch-screen era. She founded Superhuman in 2013 to focus on the human aspects of the digital future, and works with clients large and small to align business planning and technology with the needs of real people.

Louisa is also a highly regarded speaker on topics such as the future of technology, technology and society, strategic and product development and planning, personal identity in the digital age, big data, screen-less interfaces (the IoT), AI and design education.

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Superhuman also draws on a broad network of individuals as is needed and relevant to the task at hand. Below are a few of our regular collaborators.


Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino

I’m an interaction designer, product designer & entrepreneur based in London. I have been focusing on consumer-facing internet of things products & services since 2005. I am the founder of the Good Night Lamp, a family of internet-connected lamps. I run designswarm, an internet of things design practice & consultancy and work with clients who want to design next generation connected products & help advise early stage smart products businesses. I am a co-founder of Internet of People, an agency for internet-of-things consultants. You can find her on Twitter / LinkedIn


Simon White

Simon is a creative and strategist, whose work is driven by a philosophy of innovation. He brings 16+ years advertising experience (digital, print, integrated – at a global level; 10+ years innovation consulting (digital, product and service) and 10+ years strategic and creative alignment. Over the past 16+ years, Simon has worked with many of the good and great in the London digital and integrated advertising scene, helping brands such as Sony, Audi, adidas and Philips make sense of the digital ecosystem and all it has to offer. Now working as a consultant for both agencies and their clients, his problem-solving skills span creative, strategy, UX and tech. You can find him on Twitter / LinkedIn

Tommy Rockett

Tommy Rockett

Rockett has over 20 years experience providing Design solutions for Print, Branding, Digital & Web. Beginning in the days of cowgum, scalpels and bromide, transitioning through the history of Apple products and conquering html from its infancy. Now finding himself working with a plethora of happy clients worldwide in a multitude of formats and disciplines. Rockett immerses himself in the creative journey, driving the project forwards, exploring the story, characters and plot to construct the perfect conclusion. Always committed to finding the right solution while injecting a healthy dose of fun. You can find him in space

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