EuroCham Vietnam Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC)

EuroCham Vietnam Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC)

Non-profit Organizations

Research and advocacy to advance sustainable finance products, standards, and policy in Vietnam.

About us

We advocate for the growth of the sustainable industry. Our activities: 1. policy dialogue with governments, regulators, FIs, businesses and civil society. 2. capacity building through research and events. 3. collaboration and coordination with other initiatives advancing the UN SDG. 2024 focus areas: Sustainable supply chain/trade finance, Taxonomy and ESG disclosures for public equities, Banking system ESG risks stress testing. Contact us:

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Ho Chi Minh City


Employees at EuroCham Vietnam Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC)


  • [English below]  🌿Tài Chính Bền Vững 101🌿| #9. Rủi ro tài chính liên quan tới khí hậu Là một trong những quốc gia chịu ảnh hưởng lớn nhất từ biến đổi khí hậu, Việt Nam phải đối mặt với nhiều rủi ro như lũ lụt và mực nước biển dâng. Đồng thời, với nhu cầu năng lượng tăng cao, Việt Nam cần xác định và ứng phó với các rủi ro trong bối cảnh chuyển đổi sang nền kinh tế carbon thấp. Không chỉ ảnh hưởng tới nền kinh tế và doanh nghiệp, những rủi ro này còn tác động tới các định chế tài chính, do đó nên được xét tới trong các chiến lược và vận hành của các tổ chức này. ❓Vậy những rủi ro liên quan tới khí hậu nào các tổ chức tài chính cần xét tới? Đứng trước những rủi ro đó, các định chế tài chính cần làm gì?  👇 Xem bên dưới để tìm hiểu thêm nhé!  ------------------------------  🌿Sustainable Finance 101🌿| #9. Climate-related Financial Risks  Being among the most vulnerable to climate change, Vietnam faces severe physical risks, especially flooding and rising sea levels. Simultaneously, with increasing energy demand, Vietnam also needs to navigate risks throughout the transition to a low-carbon economy. Such risks could pose significant impacts to financial institutions, and thus should not be overlooked in their operations and strategies. ❓So what are climate-related risks? What should financial institutions do to manage them? ⚡ The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision refers to climate-related financial risks as "the set of potential risks that may result from climate change and that could potentially impact the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions and have broader financial stability implications for the banking system." ⚡ 2 types: 💫 Physical risks lead to costs and losses from (1) increasingly frequent and severe extreme events like floods and droughts (acute risks) and (2) long-term shifts in the climate like rising sea levels (chronic risks). 💫 Transition risks occur along the transition to the low-carbon economy, which can be in form of policy, technology, or market risks. ⚡ Both types can impact the financial sector directly via exposure to firms and households or indirectly by affecting the economy. ⚡ Climate-related risks should be integrated into the overall risk management process. Financial Institutions can identify, assess, and measure risks using stress tests or scenario analysis, and manage and report on this. ⚡ The TCFD recommended disclosing under 4 themes: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics & Targets. As the TCFD disbanded in 2023, the IFRS Foundation took over the monitoring, and TCFD core recommendations culminated in IFRS S1 and S2. ⚡ Although Vietnam does not specify regulations on climate-related disclosure for Financial Institutions, Vietnam has some ESG disclosure requirements and guidelines mentioned in Circular No. 96/2020/TT-BTC of the MoF, Sustainability Reporting Handbook by IFC as commissioned by the SSC, and Dispatch No. 9050/NHNN-TD of the SBV. 👉 Follow for more!

  • 📣Sustainability Report DEEP C Industrial Zones Vietnam📣

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    DEEP C is delighted to announce that our 2023 Sustainability Report has been made available to the public. As we tackle the complexities of sustainability for the second consecutive year, we realize that collaboration is the key. This report is not just an update on our progress but also an invitation to stakeholders, partners, and the community at large to join us in building a sustainable future. In the following sections, we delve into the specifics of our ESG initiatives, materiality metrics, and the developments we have done toward the vision to become the first Eco-Industrial Park in Vietnam. Full report: #SustainablityReport #ESG #EcoIndustrialPark #Sustainability #Reporting #Stakeholder #Community

  • 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐆𝐒𝐂 & 𝐒𝐅𝐒𝐂 𝐄-𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧 (𝐍𝐨. 𝟏𝟎) 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝    Our EuroCham Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC) has recently collaborated with the Green Growth Sector Committee - EuroCham Vietnam (GGSC) to publish the E-bulletin issue 10.    👏 The bi-annual joint publication highlights recent activities and plans of both SFSC and GGSC, introducing our new members and their brilliant initiatives along the sustainability journey. You will also find access to some brief research of SFSC on Sustainable Finance topics in this special publication.    Find out more about SFSC and GGSC and our efforts in promoting sustainable business and financial practices in Vietnam:  👉 English Version: 👉 Vietnamese Version: coming soon    #sustainablefinance #greengrowth 

  • 🏭 Năm 2023, Standard Chartered đã tài trợ 25 triệu USD cho một công ty thép hàng đầu châu Á, hỗ trợ họ mua phế liệu thép cho sản xuất thép bằng lò điện cung cấp bằng phế liệu (EAF). 💡 Sử dụng phế liệu 95-100% giúp tiết kiệm năng lượng và giảm 75% lượng CO2 phát thải! 🏭 In 2023, Standard Chartered provided a $25 million facility to a top Asian steel company, supporting their scrap steel procurement for EAF production. 💡 Utilizing 95-100% scrap reduces energy use and cuts CO2 emissions by 75%! #SustainableFinance #GreenSteel #StandardChartered #ESG #Innovation

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    To reach net zero emissions, we need to both finance climate solutions like low-carbon electricity, buildings, and transport, and also to finance the transformation of polluting parts of the economy. Transition finance supports solutions for reducing emissions from high-emitting sectors of the economy. RMI’s new Transition Finance Resource Hub is a one-stop shop for financial institutions to learn more about transition finance:

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    The main sources of Viet Nam’s tax revenue include, among others, Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and Personal Income Tax (PIT). However, both taxes have not yet reached their full potential as key contributors to the country’s overall tax revenue due to policy constraints. To acquire international good practices in CIT and PIT policy design and implementation, a delegation from Viet Nam’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Justice, Office of Government, and Office of National Assembly visited Germany for peer-learning in June. It included exchange of knowledge and practices with government officials, legislative bodies, business associations, and academia, on CIT and PIT related topics such as tax bases, tax incentives, tax rates, anti-avoidance rules and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. The outcomes of this peer-learning will support the MOF’s policymakers in designing a better tax policy and revising Viet Nam’s existing CIT and PIT laws. Drafts of the revised laws are expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for the first reading in October 2024 (CIT) and in May2025 (PIT). This activity is part of the project “Strengthening Public Financial Management in Viet Nam”, co-funded by the European Union and the German Government, implemented under the GIZ Macroeconomic Reforms/Green Growth Programme. #SED #PFM #EU

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  • 📢 The EU has officially published the CRR3 and CRD6 proposals in the Official Journal as of June 19, 2024. These significant regulatory updates will take effect shortly, marking a new era in banking regulation under the final #BaselIII framework. 🔍 Key Highlights: CRR3 enhances Pillar 1 capital requirements, revises credit risk calculations, CVA risk approaches, and operational risk standards. It also introduces an output floor to mitigate variations in risk-weighted assets. CRD6 focuses on amplifying supervisory tools, setting elevated standards for third-country banks, and integrating ESG risks into bank governance. 📅 Implementation Dates: Most CRR3 rules are set to apply from January 1, 2025, with market risk rules expected to follow a year later. CRD6 requires transposition into national law by EU member states by January 11, 2026. 🚀 This development will require banks across the EU to adapt their risk management and reporting systems to comply with the new standards. Let's gear up for these transformative changes and ensure our strategies are aligned with these upcoming requirements! #FinanceRegulation #CRR3 #CRD6 #ESG #Banking #RiskManagement #Compliance #BaselIII #EURegulations

    EUR-Lex — Access to European Union law — choose your language

    EUR-Lex — Access to European Union law — choose your language

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    🌟[𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭] 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐞🌟 This week, EuroCham is excited to unveil a new interview-style format for our Sector Committee spotlight which aims to provide in-depth insights from our experts. We are pleased to kick off this series with a Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC) spotlight featuring Giandomenico Zappia, EuroCham Board Member and Chairman of the SFSC. 👉 Read more: ✉️ Interested in joining Sustainable Finance Sector Committee? Contact SC Coordinator Ngoc Anh Pham ✨ Follow their LinkedIn to stay updated: EuroCham Vietnam Sustainable Finance Sector Committee (SFSC) #EuroCham #Vietnam #SCSpotlight #SFSC

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  • 🌍📊 **Dự án Viridis: Tiên phong đánh giá rủi ro khí hậu** 🌱💡   Các ngân hàng trung ương và cơ quan tài chính trên toàn thế giới đang nhận thức được rủi ro tài chính do những tác động vật lý của biến đổi khí hậu và quá trình chuyển đổi sang nền kinh tế carbon thấp. Trong bối cảnh đó, Trung tâm Đổi mới Ngân hàng Thanh toán Quốc tế và Cơ quan Quản lý Tiền tệ Singapore đã khởi xướng Dự án Viridis. Sáng kiến này nhằm phát triển một nền tảng rủi ro khí hậu để giúp xác định và đánh giá các rủi ro tài chính quan trọng liên quan đến khí hậu.   🌟 Những điểm chính trong Dự án Viridis: 1. Các quan điểm về lượng khí thải được tài trợ trên toàn hệ thống ngân hàng và tài chính. 2. Tổng hợp các lượng khí thải được báo cáo và mô hình hóa từ các thực thể tài chính then chốt. 3. Phân tích phân bố địa lý của tài sản để đánh giá rủi ro chuyển đổi, liên kết với thay đổi chính sách giá carbon và với các mối nguy hại vật lý.   Khi chúng ta thu thập thêm dữ liệu và tinh chỉnh phương pháp luận, Dự án Viridis sẽ cải tiến để cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn, hỗ trợ các giám sát viên tài chính trong việc khắc phục khoảng trống dữ liệu và tăng cường các quy định giám sát.   Hãy cùng đồng hành khi chúng ta tiến tới một bức tranh tài chính bền vững hơn! 🌐🌿   👉 Đọc thêm về dự án Viridis tại đây: —   🌍📊 **Project Viridis: Pioneering Climate Risk Assessment** 🌱💡   Central banks and financial authorities worldwide are recognizing the financial risks posed by both the physical effects of climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy. In light of this, the Bank for International Settlements – BIS Innovation Hub and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have launched Project Viridis. This initiative aims to develop a climate risk platform to help identify and assess significant climate-related financial risks.   🌟 Key Features of Project Viridis: 1. Views on financed emissions across the banking and financial system. 2. Consolidation of reported and modelled emissions from key financial entities. 3. Analysis of geographical asset distribution to evaluate transition risks linked to carbon pricing changes and physical hazards.   As we gather more data and refine methodologies, Project Viridis will evolve to provide richer insights, assisting financial supervisors in bridging data gaps and enhancing regulatory oversight.   Stay tuned as we advance towards a more sustainable financial landscape! 🌐🌿 👉 Read more about Project Viridis here:

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  • 📢 Hiệp hội Thị trường Tín dụng (LMA) và Hiệp hội Thị trường Vốn Quốc tế (ICMA) phát hành Hướng dẫn về Trái phiếu Tài trợ Khoản vay Liên kết bền vững (Guidelines for Sustainability-Linked Loans Financing Bonds – SLLBs)    Một số điểm chính: 👉 Trái phiếu tài trợ Khoản vay liên kết bền vững (SLLB - Sustainability-Linked Loans Financing Bonds) là công cụ trái phiếu (i) mà nguồn vốn thu được hoặc tương đương được dùng để tài trợ hoặc tái tài trợ một phần hoặc toàn phần cho danh mục các Khoản vay Liên kết bền vững (SLLs) mới hoặc đã có phù hợp với Nguyên tắc SLL (Danh mục hợp lệ) và (ii) phù hợp với 4 thành tố bên dưới.    ❓Tại sao cần SLLBs:  Các định chế tài chính có thể dùng SLLBs để truyền tải cam kết phát triển bền vững, thu hút nhà đầu tư tham gia vào các sáng kiến tạo tác động. SLLBs cũng có thể tạo động lực phát triển cấu trúc khoản vay liên kết bền vững trong dài hạn.    👉 4 thành tố: ⚡ Số tiền thu được: Được phân bổ cho các khoản vay liên kết bền vững (SLL). Nhà phát hành được khuyến khích thể hiện tính minh bạch qua 2 cách (1) công bố tiêu chí phù hợp với 5 thành tố cốt lõi của Nguyên tắc khoản vay liên kết bền vững (2) sử dụng xác nhận độc lập cho từng SLL  ⚡ Quy trình đánh giá và lựa chọn SLL: cấu trúc quản trị, các tiêu chí ngành loại trừ và chính sách liên quan, và quy trình đánh giá SLLs trong danh mục  ⚡ Quản lý nguồn vốn thu được  ⚡ Báo cáo: khuyến nghị xây dựng báo cáo thường niên cho SLLB    👉 2 khuyến nghị:  ⚡Lập Khung SLLB  ⚡Sử dụng Đánh giá bên ngoài (External reviews) 

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    Head of Sustainability, Director - Legal at Loan Market Association (LMA)

    Delighted to announce the Loan Market Association (LMA)'s publication of the Guidelines for Sustainability-Linked Loans Financing Bonds (SLLBs) in collaboration with the ICMA - International Capital Market Association. ✨🌍 Here we shed light on the latest guidelines shaping the future of sustainable finance and provided a comprehensive overview of SLLBs. These guidelines establish a robust foundation for financial institutions to integrate sustainability principles into their lending practices and bond issuances. 📑 Key highlights: - Overview and understanding of the pivotal role of financial institutions in fostering sustainable economic development through innovative financing solutions. - Discovering the core principles guiding the issuance and management of SLLBs. - Providing detailed insights into the structure, frameworks, and components crucial for aligning SLLBs with sustainability goals. 🔍 Why It Matters: Financial institutions can leverage SLLBs to communicate their commitment to sustainability, engaging investors in impactful initiatives while ensuring transparency and integrity in the market. Read the guidelines now to explore more and discover our recommendations for effectively utilising these principles. Let’s drive sustainable finance forward! 🌍 #Sustainability #SLL #SLLB #GreenFinance #ESG #LMA

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    David Carlin David Carlin is an Influencer

    Climate and Sustainability Leader, Advisor, and Expert; Founder- Cambium Global Solutions

    🚀 Breaking Records: A Surging Sustainable Debt Market in Q1 2024 🚀 The sustainable debt market continues its extraordinary growth, with a record-breaking Q1, based on analysis by Climate Bonds Initiative. Here are some key takeaways: 📊 Cumulative Volume Milestone: By March 31, 2024, the market recorded a cumulative volume of USD 4.7 trillion in aligned green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked bonds (GSS+). 📈 Record Quarterly Issuance: Q1 2024 witnessed an impressive USD 272.7 billion in new GSS+ bond issuances, a 15% increase compared to Q1 2023, and a remarkable 41% jump from Q4 2023. 🌍 Regional Contributions: -Europe continues to lead, contributing 55% of the total aligned volume at USD 149.5 billion. -North America saw 68% YOY increase, driven by green bond issuances. -Africa leapt with 1692% YOY growth, largely thanks to the African Development Bank and Ivory Coast. 🏦 Sector Highlights: -Green Bonds: Led the way with USD 195.9 billion, a 25% increase from Q1 2023. -Social Bonds: Reached USD 42.3 billion, led by French issuers. -Sustainability Bonds: Totaled USD 31.4 billion, with the Asia-Pacific region contributing the most. -Sustainability-Linked Bonds (SLBs): Although volume dropped by 37%, innovative issuances like those from French retailer Goldstory SAS are setting new benchmarks. 🌐 Issuance Insights: -Non-financial corporates were the largest issuer type, contributing 28% of the volume. -Bonds were priced in 34 currencies, with EUR and USD most frequent 🔍 Emerging Trends: -Nuclear Energy: Gaining traction as an eligible green project, with notable issuances from Bruce Power in Canada and Constellation Energy in the USA. -Sovereign Issuances: Saw significant growth, with new green bonds from Japan and Romania. The sustainable debt market's robust performance in Q1 2024 aligns with a growing global commitment to sustainable finance. However, a major financing gap remains, most acutely in EMDCs. Moving forward, it’s imperative for investors, issuers, and policymakers to sustain this momentum. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we navigate the evolving landscape of sustainable finance! 🌱💡 #SustainableFinance #GreenBonds #ClimateAction #Investment #ESG #FinancialMarkets #greenbonds #greenfinance #sustainablefinance #netzero #finance #climatefinance #esgdata

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