How to Make Video Infographics: An Effortless Guide + 6 Video Infographic Templates

Written by:
Raja Mandal

May 19, 2023

According to HubSpot, video is the most popular marketing content. About 71% of B2B marketers are making the most of video, with 67% leveraging the incredible potential of using infographics.

Imagine the results you get when you merge the captivating power of videos and the informative nature of infographics to get video infographics.

Video infographics combine the best of both worlds, allowiinfng you to communicate complex information in an engaging and visually compelling format. They help captivate your audience while making your marketing content stand out.

However, creating video infographics requires a unique blend of design, storytelling and technical expertise, making it a daunting task for many, especially non-designers.

That's where Visme's infographic maker comes in. Visme is an industry-leading platform that provides an intuitive and powerful tool for creating stunning video infographics.

This article will simplify the video infographic creation process and empower you with the knowledge and tools to overcome its associated pain points.

Continue reading to unlock the power of video infographics!


Table of Contents

Quick Read

  • A video infographic is a highly visual form of content that combines the best features of a video and an infographic.
  • It's basically a short video in which data is presented visually, often through animation or motion graphics.
  • Incorporate infographic videos in your marketing strategy to maximize reach, increase conversion, boost engagement and improve SEO.
  • Creating a video infographic will not automatically do the job. You must learn about the elements that make a video infographic good.
  • The easiest way to create an infographic video is by using Visme's infographics video maker and templates. Choose a suitable template, add your content, customize the design and you are ready to share it with the world.


What is a Video Infographic?

A video infographic is a type of visual representation of information that combines the power of video and traditional infographics to present complex information in an engaging and accessible way.

It uses a combination of animations, text, graphics and voiceovers to communicate essential data points, making it easier for viewers to understand the information while keeping them visually engaged.

Video infographics are highly shareable and can significantly increase your content's reach on social media platforms. They are often used in marketing and educational contexts to explain complex processes, tell stories and provide data-driven insights.


5 Key Benefits of Infographic Videos

If you still need to figure out why use video infographics for marketing and communication purposes, here are these five benefits of infographic videos.

1. Boost Engagement

Video infographics can be more captivating and hold viewers' attention longer than static infographics or text-based content. With a combination of visuals, animation and voice-over narration, video infographics can make even the most complex topics easy to understand and digest.

This can improve brand awareness and customer retention and increase website traffic.

2. Provide Deeper Insight

Video infographics are a great way to help people understand complex information by combining visual and auditory elements. They are particularly useful for explaining technical or scientific concepts that may be difficult to comprehend through text alone.

3. Maximize Your Reach

Video infographics can boost your social media reach by making your content highly shareable. By producing shareable content, you can grow your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

4. Increase Conversions

You can use video infographics to educate and inform potential customers about your products or services. By providing valuable information in an engaging format, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, ultimately leading to increased sales and conversions.

Whether signing up for a newsletter or purchasing, video infographics can help build trust and authority with your audience, making them more likely to take action.

5. Improve SEO

Video infographics can also help improve your website's SEO by increasing time on the site and reducing bounce rates. With engaging and informative content, viewers are likelier to spend more time on your website, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and worth ranking higher.


What Makes a Good Infographic Video?

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

 Creating a compelling video infographic requires attention to detail and careful planning. To help you create a compelling one, we've compiled some video infographic tips that can make all the difference:

1. Choose a Compelling Topic

A good infographic video should have a compelling and exciting topic. The goal of an infographic is to convey information engagingly, so you want to ensure that your viewers are interested in what they're watching.

You also need to choose a relevant and valuable topic for your audience. If it doesn't have any meaning for them, then there's no point in making the video at all!

2. Use High-Quality Visuals

You don't want your infographic video to look cheap or amateurish. High-quality visuals can help your viewers get the most out of your information, so you should use high-resolution images with various media types. You can also include animations and videos in your infographic if it makes sense for the topic.

a GIF of Visme's AI-image generator tool in action

However, finding high-quality graphics that complement your content takes a lot of work. You can take advantage of Visme's extensive graphics library, such as icons, 3D illustrations, shapes, images and more.

If you have a specific image in mind, our AI image generator can create it for you in just a few seconds. Simply provide clear instructions or prompts for what you need, and the results will appear immediately.

3. Include Data and Statistics

Including data and statistics in your infographic video is an excellent way to help support your message. It makes your content more compelling, giving people something they can relate to.

For example, if you're creating an infographic on how many hours Americans spend watching Netflix each week, including the exact number will make it easier for viewers to understand the scale of this phenomenon and how much time they might be spending themselves--and hopefully inspire them to cut back!

4. Use a Clear Narrative

A good infographic video should have a clear beginning, middle and end. A narrative structure is essential to help guide viewers through the information and keep them engaged throughout.

A good infographic video has a clear beginning that introduces the topic at hand, followed by a middle where you can explore more details and finally, an end where you summarize everything in one brief statement or conclusion.

5. Keep it Short

The ideal length for a video infographic is around 2-3 minutes. The shorter you can make it, the better. People have short attention spans online and are often bombarded with information on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Viewers will get bored or lose interest if your video infographic is too long.

Remember that most people who watch infographics do so because they want information quickly--not because they want to sit through an entire movie! So keep things simple and easy to digest by keeping them short and sweet (but not too sweet).

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

<span>Hey marketers!</span> Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

6. Add Music and Sound Effects

Music and sound effects can help set your video's tone and mood. Use them sparingly and strategically to enhance the overall impact of your message.

You'll be surprised to find out how much of an impact they can have on your video's overall appeal. When used correctly, music and sound effects can make your content more engaging, memorable and compelling—especially if you use them in sync with the visuals on screen.

In Visme's music library, there are more than 10,000 music and sound effects that you can choose from. Simply drag and drop them to the editor. You can filter the music according to genres, moods and instruments to find the ideal one for your content.

You can select from over 10,000 music and sound effects available in Visme's music library and drag and drop them directly to the editor. Filter the music based on genres, moods and instruments to find the perfect one for your content.

a GIF showing how to add voiceover, music or sound effect to a video infographic template.

To add a more personal touch to your video infographics, Visme allows you to record your voice-over or upload music files from your device.

7. Use Engaging Design Elements

Feel free to use engaging design elements like bold colors, eye-catching graphics and compelling typography. These elements help you create an engaging visual experience for your audience that will keep them engaged throughout the entire video.

For example, if you want people's eyes to focus on something particular, try using a bright red or yellow background that contrasts with the rest of your footage.

By following these video infographic tips, you can create a highly effective video infographic that engages your audience, communicates your message clearly and delivers the desired results.


6 Video Infographics Templates

Discover our collection of six video infographic templates, perfect for creating engaging and informative visual content. Customize each template to suit your needs and create stunning video infographics in minutes.

1. Marketing Video Infographic

This template is perfect for creating dynamic marketing videos that capture attention and communicate complex information effectively. It explains the effectiveness of video content in marketing using stats and figures. However, you can customize the fields with your data and content to fit any context you want.

With bold typography, complementary colors and animation effects, this template is ideal for presenting data-driven content, explaining processes and telling engaging brand stories.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

2. Tech Video Infographic

If you want to explain complicated tech ideas in an engaging and visually appealing way, the tech video infographic template is the ideal tool for the job.

The stats and figures pop up on a dark background and are animated and interactive, which makes them easy to understand. You can easily customize this template and make it your own by adding or removing elements and changing colors and fonts.

Use Visme’s dynamic fields feature to quickly update key information and data points across your entire design, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

3. Service Video Infographic

Educate your audience on how they can provide better customer support and explain their products and services using video content.

The template has high-quality videos and design elements in shades of blue and orange, creating a professional and friendly feel. Customize the template by changing the text, data points and other elements of your choice.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

4. Corporate Video Infographic

Do you want to create a corporate video that not only informs but also engages and impresses your audience? Look no further than this corporate video infographic template.

This template features a professional and polished design perfect for businesses looking to create visually appealing and informative videos. It includes various design elements, such as charts, graphs, animated icons and illustrations, that make complex information easy to understand and digest.

Use this template to create corporate videos that showcase your company's achievements, milestones and goals. Highlight your products or services, explain your business strategy or present your financial data.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

5. Product Video Infographic

Are you looking for a template to describe the features and benefits of your products and services? Then this animated infographic video template is for you.

The use of relevant icons, 3D illustrations, shapes and other design elements make this template a great way to convey your message in a simple yet eye-catching way.

Whether you're looking to create a product explainer video or a thought leadership piece, the product video infographic template will make an impact.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

You can take your video infographic design to the next level by adding interactive elements. Add animated buttons, clickable links and hover-over effects to make your video more engaging and interactive.

Watch the video below to learn to create interactive popups in Visme.


6. Sales Video Infographic

The sales video infographic has everything that makes a video infographic compelling, informative, and visually stunning. This template is specifically designed to help businesses create sales videos that drive engagement, generate leads, and increase conversions.

The template features high-quality illustrations, 3D graphics, animation effects and data visualization widgets. Use Visme's built-in animation features to create engaging and visually appealing transitions between each section of this animated infographic.

Customize this template and make it your own!Edit and Download

You can also include calls to action and interactive elements to encourage viewers to take action and convert into customers.

a GIF of adding some cool 3D icons and a call to action


How to Make an Infographic Video in Visme

With Visme, you don't have to worry about the pains of creating video infographics from scratch. Visme's easy-to-use interface, a vast library of templates, graphics, multimedia assets and built-in data visualization tools make the entire process a breeze.

Visme is the best video infographic maker that you’ll find out there. Hear it from one of our satisfied customers, Luke, Saas Business Owner:

“We chose Visme because of its superior functionality when creating infographics, specifically the ability to resize, create and download individual sections. It also has excellent graphics and icons. In addition, Visme inspires our marketing and social media designs through templates and layouts.”

Follow these five simple steps to make video infographics in Visme.

Step 1: Choose a Video Infographic Template

a gif of choosing an infographic template in Visme

Choosing the right template can make all the difference when making a video infographic. For example, if you want to make video infographics to explain the benefits of your products to customers, it’s essential to choose a template that has a clean layout and plenty of white space.

This will make the infographic easier for viewers to digest, which is especially important if you want them to remember all the facts they learn from your video infographics.

Browse through Visme's extensive library of templates designed for different types of content, such as data-driven or storytelling videos. This makes finding a template that fits your needs easy and saves you time in the design process.

Each template is fully customizable, so you can add your branding and style to make it unique to your business.

Step 2: Add Your Content

a GIf of adding content to a video infographic template

Once you've selected a template, it's time to add your content. This may include text, data and images that you want to include in your infographic video. Here are some ideas to include content in your template:

Add, Edit or Delete Text

Text is the most important element of infographic videos. It's crucial to choose your words carefully. Keep your text concise and to the point, and use a font that's easy to read. Visme offers various font styles, so you can find one that works for your video.

Use Visme’s text tool to add, edit, delete and replace text content to your template. You will also find different font pairs in the Visme editor that you can use to add your text.

Visme allows you to edit multiple text boxes at once, so you don’t need to update every text box one by one.

Visualize Your Data

Infographic videos are excellent for presenting data. Utilize charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate complex information and statistics. Visme provides customizable data visualization tools, including bar charts, pie charts and line graphs.

Choose the most appropriate visual representation for your data to ensure clarity and make it easier for your audience to grasp the key insights.

Enhance with Icons and Illustrations

Enhance the visual appeal of your video infographic by incorporating icons and illustrations that complement your content.

Visme offers an extensive library of icons, illustrations, and vector graphics, allowing you to find the perfect visual elements to represent your ideas. Whether you need icons to represent concepts or illustrations to support your narrative, Visme has you covered.

Incorporate Images and Videos

Consider using high-quality visuals that align with your topic and enhance the overall message. Incorporate images that help visualize concepts or showcase real-world examples.

Include short video clips demonstrating processes or providing additional context. Visme enables you to easily upload your own media or choose from its library of stock photos and videos.

Bring Life with Animation and Transitions

To add a dynamic touch to your infographic video, leverage Visme's animation and transition effects. Animate elements to create visual interest and guide the viewer's attention.

Use smooth transitions between different sections or content blocks to maintain a seamless flow throughout the video. However, ensure that the animations and transitions are purposeful and do not distract from the core message.

To ensure that everything in the editor is at your fingertips, Visme has a shortcut feature. All you need to do is type the forward slash “/” on your keyboard, and a search bar will pop up with everything from design elements and graphics to animations and data visualizations.

Step 3: Customize the Design

a GIf a gif of customizing a video infographic template

After adding your content, it's time to customize the design of your infographic video in Visme. This step lets you put your personal touch on the visual elements, ensuring that your video aligns with your branding and resonates with your target audience.

Here are some essential aspects to consider when customizing the design:

Color Scheme

Choose a color scheme that reflects your brand identity or matches your video's overall tone and message. Visme provides a wide range of color palettes, or you can create a custom color scheme using your brand's colors.

Ensure the selected colors harmonize well and create visual cohesion throughout the video.

Font Styles

Typography is crucial to your video infographic’s overall aesthetics and readability. Select fonts that are legible and appropriate for your content.

Consider combining font styles, such as a bold font for headers and a clean, sans-serif font for body text, to create a visual hierarchy and improve readability. Visme offers an extensive collection of fonts to suit different styles and themes.

Layout and Composition

Arrange your content in a visually pleasing and organized manner. Consider the flow of information and use spacing and alignment to create a balanced composition. Pay attention to the placement of text, images and other elements to ensure clarity and coherence.

Visme provides a range of layout options, including grids, columns and sections, allowing you to structure your infographic video effectively.

Backgrounds and Shapes

Customize the backgrounds and shapes used in your infographic video to enhance its visual appeal. Experiment with different backgrounds to find the one that best complements your content.

Visme offers a variety of background options, including solid colors, gradients, patterns and images.

Branding Elements

Integrate branding elements into your infographic video. Add your logo, tagline or other branding elements in strategic locations to reinforce brand recognition. Customize colors and fonts of these elements to align with your overall design. Consistent branding helps establish trust and familiarity with your audience.

Using Visme's brand design tool makes adding branding elements to your designs easy. All you need to do is copy and paste your company website URL, and the brand wizard will pull all your branding assets, such as logo, brand colors, fonts and tagline.

Read this article about setting up your branding kit in Visme, or watch the video below.


Step 4: Review Your Video Infographic Design

Have you finished personalizing your video infographic template? Now you might want to review the design before finalizing it. You can involve your team members or someone else to look at the infographic video and gather feedback.

With Visme’s collaborative design capabilities, team members can view the video infographic and provide feedback directly within the Visme platform. They can leave comments, suggestions or annotations, making communicating and collaborating on improvements easy.

a gif showing the collaborative design capabilities in Visme

Moreover, Visme’s live editing feature allows multiple users to work on the video infographic simultaneously. With live collaboration, you can instantly see the changes made by others, facilitating seamless teamwork and avoiding version control issues.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do a collaborative design with Visme. For more insights, consider watching this video.

Step 5: Download, Share and Publish

Once you've made any necessary changes and are satisfied with your video infographic, it's time to download, share or publish it. Visme makes it easy to download your infographic video in various formats, such as MP4 or GIF, or share it directly to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

a gif of downloading, sharing and publishing in Visme

If you're using your video infographic for marketing purposes, consider embedding it on your website or blog to increase engagement and drive traffic. With Visme, you can easily embed your video infographic using a simple code snippet. Note that since a video infographic is a video with data visualization, if you were to download a traditional infographic with a video in it, you might have difficulty downloading it in Visme but not sharing it.

Finally, track the performance of your video infographic by analyzing metrics such as views, engagement and shares using Visme analytics. This will help you understand the impact of your video infographic and make necessary improvements in future projects.

Make video production easier than ever with Visme

  • Make intro videos, explainer videos and more
  • Download your content as an MP4 or GIF
  • Embed or upload your video content

Sign up. It’s free.

Make <span>video production</span> easier than ever with Visme


Video Infographic FAQs

Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about creating and using video infographics.

Q. How Long Should an Infographic Video Be?

The ideal length of an infographic video can vary depending on the topic and purpose of the video. However, most infographic videos are between 1-3 minutes long.

This is because viewers tend to have shorter attention spans, and keeping the video concise and focused can help keep them engaged.

Q. What Is the Difference Between Infographics and Animation?

Infographics are visual representations of data, information, or knowledge intended to convey complex ideas or concepts quickly and clearly.

Animation, on the other hand, is a technique used to create the illusion of motion or change by displaying a sequence of images or frames.

While both infographics and animation can convey information visually appealingly, the main difference is that infographics are static images, while animation involves movement.

Q. What Is the Difference Between Motion Graphics and Infographics?

Infographics are static images that use graphs, charts and other visual elements to convey data and information. On the other hand, motion graphics are videos that use animation, typography and other visual effects to communicate a message.

While infographics are usually focused on presenting data clearly and concisely, motion graphics are often used to tell a story or showcase a product or service.

Q. Can You Put a Video in an Infographic?

Yes, including a video in an infographic is possible, and this would technically make it a "video infographic" rather than a traditional static infographic.

Video infographics can be a powerful way to convey information in an engaging and informative way, as they can combine an infographic's visual elements with a video's dynamic elements.


Create Stunning & On-Brand Video Infographics with Visme

Now that you better understand what an infographic video is and how to create one, it's time to get to work! Following this article's video infographic tips, templates and step-by-step guide, you can create a video infographic in minutes.

Visme's easy-to-use interface, customizable templates and multimedia assets make it the perfect tool for creating video infographics. Whether you're a marketer looking to create engaging content, a teacher who wants to present information more dynamically or simply someone who wants to communicate ideas more effectively, Visme has everything you need to create stunning, on-brand video infographics.

So what are you waiting for? Sign-up for Visme today and create eye-catching video infographics that captivate your audience and effectively communicate your message.

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    About the Author

    Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.