How a Consultancy Uses Visme to Create Engaging Client-Facing Content

Written by:
Victoria Taylor

Jun 27, 2023

“I highly recommend Visme. It’s a really nice program with many possibilities and many different templates.”

QSN (short for Quality Services Network) is a Netherlands-based consultancy that focuses on certification and compliance, working with companies of all sizes, from startups to enterprises.

Daphne Koot has been with QSN for three years, working her way up from an office manager to assisting with many other tasks and projects like design and marketing. We sat down to talk about how her team uses Visme to help visualize complex information for their clients.

How QSN Uses Visme

The QSN team has been using Visme since 2018, well before Daphne even joined the team. However, she’s now the biggest Visme user on the team, creating marketing visuals, helping the consultants put together their presentations and infographics, and more.

“Mostly I work together with the consultants in Visme. They’ll tell me what they want to create and I’ll help them create presentations or infographics for their clients.”

Their biggest production is infographics, as this type of data visualization makes it easy to understand complex information. As a consultancy, this is key—so much of the content they need to share with clients is complex and in-depth. This visual format helps clients better understand the work they’re doing.

Here’s an example of the infographics they create:

Daphne has also created training guides and graphics to share on the website and QSN’s social media accounts. Here’s an example of one of their graphics:


How QSN Creates Visual Client-Facing Content With Visme

Visme makes it easy for team members to create infographics that help visualize complex subjects. By using data widgets to visualize numbers, diagrams and flowcharts to visualize concepts, and charts and graphs to visualize data, infographics help pull complicated information into an easily digestible format, making it easier to understand.

“Our job is very contextual, so sometimes it’s very difficult to understand what things mean, and a visual really helps with the context. So we make infographics and presentations for that.”

Here’s another example of an infographic Daphne has created with her team. This example is an informational infographic, a type of graphic that uses words instead of numbers and charts. The visual format and design helps set up the content in a digestible, listicle format.


“Visme makes it possible to help our clients understand what work we do. When something is good looking, it gives them the feeling that our work is good and that we’re organized.”

Daphne shares that the key Visme features that support their work and help them achieve their goals are the templates, brand kit and collaboration tools. The templates help provide inspiration as well as a professionally designed starting point.

And the brand kit makes it quick and easy to set their fonts and colors as placeholders, saving time when ensuring content matches the QSN brand. For example, we can see how the customizations from the template on the left to the final product on the right is easily adjusted to match their brand.



The brand kit streamlines all of their content creation, ensuring that the branding will still remain the same and all client-facing content stays cohesive.

Your Turn

Create easy-to-understand visual content for your clients. Learn more about how Visme makes it easy for teams to work together to create stunning infographics, presentations, documents and so much more. Get in touch to request a free demo today.

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Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

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    About the Author

    Victoria Taylor is a seasoned content marketing expert with a specialization in SaaS and eCommerce. She has a passion for crafting compelling narratives that engage audiences and strategies that drive real engagement. Always keeping up with trends and testing new software, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to all her clients.