
This plugin cleans up:

  • Revisiones
  • Auto drafts
  • Deleted comments
  • Unapproved comments
  • Spammed comments
  • Deleted comments
  • Orphaned post meta
  • Orphaned comment meta
  • Orphaned user meta
  • Orphaned term meta
  • Orphan term relationships
  • Unused terms
  • Duplicated post meta
  • Duplicated comment meta
  • Duplicated user meta
  • Duplicated term meta
  • Transient options
  • Optimizes database tables
  • oEmbed caches in post meta

This plugin uses proper WordPress delete functions as much as possible instead of running direct delete MySQL queries.

Following delete functions are used:

  • wp_delete_post_revision()
  • wp_delete_post()
  • wp_delete_comment()
  • delete_post_meta()
  • delete_comment_meta()
  • delete_user_meta()
  • delete_term_meta()
  • wp_remove_object_terms()
  • wp_delete_term()
  • delete_transient()
  • delete_site_transient()

WP-Sweep WP REST API Endpoints
* GET /wp-json/sweep/v1/count/<Name>. Get the number of items that we will be sweeping.
* GET /wp-json/sweep/v1/details/<Name>. Get the details of the items that we will be sweeping.
* DELETE /wp-json/sweep/v1/sweep/<Name>. Runs sweep for that particular item.

WP-Sweep WP-CLI Commands
* wp sweep --all. Runs sweep for all items.
* wp sweep <Name>. Runs sweep for that particular item.
* wp sweep <Name1> <Name2>. Run sweep for the selected items.

WP-Sweep Available Items:
* revisions
* auto_drafts
* deleted_posts
* unapproved_comments
* spam_comments
* deleted_comments
* transient_options
* orphan_postmeta
* orphan_commentmeta
* orphan_usermeta
* orphan_termmeta
* orphan_term_relationships
* unused_terms
* duplicated_postmeta
* duplicated_commentmeta
* duplicated_usermeta
* duplicated_termmeta
* optimize_database
* oembed_postmeta

WP-Sweep is not compatible with the following plugins:
* Custom Fonts
* Elementor Popup Builder
* MailPress
* Meta Slider
* Polylang
* Slider Revolution
* Viba Portfolio

Build Status




I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.


  • WP-Sweep Administrator Page (Before Sweeping)
  • WP-Sweep Administrator Page (Swept)


  1. Upload wp-sweep folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WP-Sweep plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. You can access WP-Sweep via WP-Admin -> Tools -> Sweep

Preguntas frecuentes

Coming soon …


19 de abril de 2024
I used to use this, when I previously had a blog, and I’ve come back to it. Thanks for making it!
28 de marzo de 2024
great plugin, it’s working well!
18 de marzo de 2024
it saved me tons of time and cleaned the database which was causing wp-admin part slowing down and showing server error, after it cleared junk, the site runs smoothly
23 de enero de 2024
This plugin has reduced a space of about 100MB in my DB. Thanks
19 de octubre de 2023
Sometimes I am a file hoarder and I really appreciate this plugin because I can clear space pretty quickly where it would take a really long time to do it on my own (I had like 6,000 files which is a lot). I also appreciate that it is free, as soon as I used this app my website got much faster. I always make sure to backup my website before doing it just in case, because sometimes stuff happens.
Leer todas las 130 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«WP-Sweep» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


«WP-Sweep» ha sido traducido a 19 idiomas locales. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.

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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

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Registro de cambios


  • FIXED: Added current_user_can() Check For AJAX Calls


  • FIXED: Pass in default blank string to fix fatal error


  • NEW: Re-org wp-sweep.php to inc/class-wpsweep.php
  • NEW: Bump to WordPress 6.2


  • NEW: Bump to WordPress 5.8


  • FIXED: Replaced %_transient_% with %\_transient\_%. Escape _ in MySQL if not it is being used as a wildcard character. Props @janrenn.


  • FIXED: Changed permissions check to activate_plugins because update_plugins will return false when DISALLOW_FILE_MODS=true.


  • NEW: Changed permission check to update_plugins for better MultiSite compatibility.
  • NEW: Bump min PHP version to 5.6.


  • NEW: wp_sweep_excluded_termids filter.


  • NEW: Added WP Rest API Endpoint support, sweep/v1/count/<Name>, sweep/v1/details/<Name>, and sweep/v1/sweep/<Name>
  • FIXED: Follow as close as possible to WordPress Coding Standards


  • NEW: Bump to WordPress 4.9
  • NEW: Update README to incompatible plugins


  • FIXED: Invalid plugin head ‘This plugin has an invalid header.’


  • NEW: Support for Codeclimate
  • FIXES: Uses get_sites() on WordPress 4.6. This should fix deprecated notices.
  • FIXES: Fixes translation placeholder count. Props @pedro-mendonca.
  • FIXES: Use manage_options capability as it conflicts with Admin Menu Editor on multisite installs. Props @EusebiuOprinoiu.


  • NEW: Added wp_sweep_excluded_taxonomies filter to allow more than just link_category taxonomy
  • NEW: Support for WP-CLI wp sweep


  • FIXES: Use custom query to delete Orphaned Term Relationship if wp_remove_object_terms() fails


  • NEW: Delete ‘languages’ folder from the plugin
  • NEW: Use to translate the plugin
  • FIXED: Works only with WordPress 4.4 because of new term meta


  • FIXED: apply_filters() wrong arguments


  • NEW: oEmbed caches in post meta Sweep
  • NEW: Add POT file for translators


  • NEW: AJAX Sweep All
  • NEW: AJAX Sweeping
  • NEW: View details of sweep
  • NEW: Optimize DB sweep
  • NEW: User hint and confirmation. Props @SiamKreative
  • FIXED: Division by zero. Pros @barisunver


  • FIXED: Use term_id for wp_remove_object_terms()
  • FIXED: number_format_i18n() issues after sweeping


  • NEW: Moved plugin location to WP-Admin -> Tools -> Sweep
  • NEW: Add Deleted Post Sweep
  • FIXED: Use forced_delete for wp_delete_post() and wp_delete_comment();
  • FIXED: If orphaned meta has an object id of 0, use SQL query to delete


  • Initial release