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Alexis Wilke's user avatar
Alexis Wilke
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
27 votes

What is the difference between the Bash operators [[ vs [ vs ( vs ((?

15 votes

systemd: how to enable a service automatically from the first boot?

11 votes

Multiple XkbOptions in xorg.conf

10 votes

How do I run a process that wants to become root from a systemd service which is a regular user?

9 votes

Alternative way to kill a zombie process

8 votes

Is there a way to know when a systemd timer will run next?

5 votes

Should I deploy with the same user who is running the website?

4 votes

Why won't my enabled systemd service start on boot?

4 votes

How to prevent shutdown when an SSH user is logged in?

4 votes

Cron job not logging?

3 votes

Text file busy when I copy some files

3 votes

Timezone correct, UTC correct, time still wrong

3 votes

Is it possible to obtain ffmpeg.exe for Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS?

2 votes

Is virtual memory always available?

2 votes

SSH client not trying my keys in ssh-agent

2 votes

Carriage return with echo command

2 votes

Read "/proc" to know if a process has opened a port

2 votes

Nested for loop

2 votes

What might cause a single "rcu_sched detected stall on CPU" warning in syslog?

2 votes

Apt-get error : Writing more data than expected (7643558 > 7643216)

2 votes

1)How many processes have priority higher than 80? 2) How many executable files that have setuid bit set are there in /usr/bin?

2 votes

Kernel Support | Processors List

2 votes

Discover huge page support on POSIX or Linux

1 vote

Confounding problem about iptables

1 vote

Bash, find and delete old files

1 vote

Swap usage too high?

1 vote

How to have service that makes sure program keeps running?

1 vote

Overriding the shade of color displayed

1 vote

Top showing virtual memory usage of hundreds of gigabytes

1 vote

Ubuntu 18.04.1 hard freeze issue