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RonJohn's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

renaming a huge folder: is it risky?

11 votes

how to print date and time in one line in bash script?

2 votes

Unexpected behavior: zip -r in bash

2 votes

How to check java version on multiple servers?

2 votes

Moving millions of files to a different directory with specfic name patterns

2 votes

Methodology to copy data from one machine to many others in a fast way

2 votes

How to make my script stay executable on different devices?

1 vote

Exiting function under some condition

1 vote

Selectively extracting files of gzipped archives into new directories whose names are derived from the archive's filename

1 vote

How to get full path names of all opened pdf files (in zathura) - like rofi does

1 vote

How many CPU do I have and how many jobs should I submit?

1 vote

How to exclude the folders proc and sys from search with find command ?

1 vote

Erasing a Linux laptop

1 vote

How to tell a shell command is program or function?

0 votes

How does Linux retain control of the CPU on a single-core machine?

0 votes

Find files and delete x from total of the list

0 votes

How can I run script for all directories?

0 votes

How to pass a script-file to sed as a heredoc?

0 votes

Output date into specific column using bash

-1 votes

Splitting text file into CSV with multiple delimiters in bash?

-2 votes

Is there a shortcut to denote the absolute full directory of current path?