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Zombo's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
29 votes

Why does my shell script choke on whitespace or other special characters?

24 votes

Get metadata from a video in the terminal

23 votes

How to get Month in all upper case

23 votes

How to insert text before the first line of a file?

22 votes

Insert text at specific line number

20 votes

How can I replace a string in a file(s)?

20 votes

Add thousands separator in a number

12 votes

How do I get rid of Cygwin's /cygdrive prefix in all paths?

11 votes

Is there any way to execute commands from history?

11 votes

Security implications of forgetting to quote a variable in bash/POSIX shells

10 votes

How to output a date/time as "20 minutes ago" or "9 days ago", etc

9 votes

How do you check if a file exists within awk? [-d 'filename'] failing

9 votes

awk: forcing a return status?

8 votes

How do I get the size of a directory on the command line?

7 votes

Documentation on LESS_TERMCAP_* variables?

7 votes

Decoding URL encoding (percent encoding)

7 votes

Delimiter is being changed with fields

7 votes

Can't use !$ in script?

7 votes

Is there a difference between hardlinking with cp -l or ln?

6 votes

How do I delete the first n lines of an ascii file using shell commands?

6 votes

Detect optional function argument (scalar)

6 votes

Can I determine type of an awk variable?

6 votes

Determining if the first string starts with second string

6 votes

Is there a unix-like system that doesn't come with Perl?

6 votes

Assign to a variable in a bash script

5 votes

Querying csv files like sql

5 votes

Get current timezone as `Region/City`

5 votes

Openssl command s_client always says 400 Bad Request

5 votes

How do I zip/unzip on the unix command line?

5 votes

Shell script to grab one or many Wistia videos

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