First I would pickup the process with the `smem`.  For example, you could use `smem -tas uss` to have an overview. 
`-t` ... shows totals
`-a` ... auto adjusts the column width
`-s uss`... sorts the result based on the *uss* column

To see details per process the best way is to use `pmap`.  To get detailed information you should use `-X` switch.  To get all information that kernel provides you can use `-XX` which usually is an overkill.

To get a 2 seconds refresh monitoring for a *pid* 3120:

`watch -n 2 pmap -X 3120`

**Edit: To actually get a peak**  The above helps in monitoring, but it does not show an actual peak. Slipped my mind.

I would personally use `valgrind` with the `massif` tool.

`valgrind --tool=massif --page-as-heap=yes --massif-out-file=evolution_massif.out evolution; grep mem_heap_B evolution_massif.out | sed -e 's/mem_heap_B=\(.*\)/\1/' | sort -g | tail -n 1`

`--page-as-heap=yes` ... tells massif that it should take all memory instead of just heap
`--massif-out-file` ... the output file for the *massif* tool
**evolution** ... the application that should be monitored

The next part is there to find out the maximum number recorded.

The `grep` searches for *mem_heap_B* occurrences. `sed` gets rid of the string `mem_heap_B` so we get only numeric result.  The we sort it via `sort -g` which is generic numeric sort and take the biggest number with `tail -n 1` which returns the first line of the sorted numbers.