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First I would pickup the process with the smem. For example, you could use smem -tas uss to have an overview.

  • -t ... shows totals
  • -a ... auto adjusts the column width
  • -s uss... sorts the result based on the uss column

To see details per process the best way is to use pmap. To get detailed information you should use -X switch. To get all information that kernel provides you can use -XX which usually is an overkill.

To get a 2 seconds refresh monitoring for a pid 3120:

watch -n 2 pmap -X 3120

Edit: To actually get a peak The above helps in monitoring, but it does not show an actual peak. Slipped my mind.

I would personally use valgrind with the massif tool.

valgrind --tool=massif --pages-as-heap=yes --massif-out-file=evolution_massif.out evolution; grep mem_heap_B evolution_massif.out | sed -e 's/mem_heap_B=\(.*\)/\1/' | sort -g | tail -n 1


  • --page-as-heap=yes ... tells massif that it should take all memory instead of just heap
  • --massif-out-file ... the output file for the massif tool
  • evolution ... the application that should be monitored

The next part is there to find out the maximum number recorded.

The grep searches for mem_heap_B occurrences. sed -e gets rid of the string mem_heap_B so we get only numeric result. The we sort it via sort -g which is generic numeric sort and take the biggest number with tail -n 1 which returns the first line of the sorted numbers.

After the application is terminated valgrid will printout one number, which is the memory peak in [B]ytes.

To display the output file evolution_massif.out, you can use ms_print post-processing tool for Massif.

It is simply:

ms_print evolution_massif.out

The output should look like this (this is first page of the output), where you can see which snapshot was a peak - 10 (peak):

Command:            evolution
Massif arguments:   --pages-as-heap=yes --massif-out-file=massif.out
ms_print arguments: massif.out

10.09^        #                                                               
     |        #                                                               
     |        #                                                               
     |        #                                                               
     |        #                                                               
     |        #                                                               
     |        #      @:::::@::::::::::::::::@@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #      @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::::@:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |        #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |     @  #::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
     |  :::@::#::::: @:::::@: :::::::: :::: @@:::::@:::::@::::::@::::@:::::@::
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0                                                                   8.927

Number of snapshots: 97
 Detailed snapshots: [7, 10 (peak), 17, 24, 43, 44, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
  0              0           16,384           16,384             0            0
  1    149,772,704      393,547,776      393,547,776             0            0
  2    243,902,287      398,592,800      398,592,800             0            0
  3    396,613,298      558,157,704      558,157,704             0            0
  4    504,752,503      638,138,760      638,138,760             0            0
  5    604,812,936      639,894,808      639,894,808             0            0

Edit to add all children:

To add all descendants (children) you can add the --trace-children=yes option to the valgrind command.

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