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14 votes
3 answers

What does it mean when code is executed in [kernel|user] mode?

What does it mean when code is executed in kernel or user mode?
Luc M's user avatar
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48 votes
9 answers

How could I remember how to use redirection?

I know what program > /dev/null 2>&1 does. It redirects the output to /dev/null and 2>&1 means to redirect the error output in the same place where the output is sent. My ...
8 votes
9 answers

What is/are the standard CLI program(s) to manage users and groups?

I'm basically asking about user management from the command line (e.g. on a system where there are no graphical tools available). In the past I've used several different programs to add or delete ...
David Z's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

What distributions have rolling releases? [closed]

I was browsing DistroWatch and was looking for a list of distributions that offer rolling releases and a little bit more about them. However, it doesn't seem to be possible to select only the rolling ...
52 votes
7 answers

Software developer switching from Linux to OS X, what are the gotchas?

I have used Ubuntu/Fedora/Red Hat/Suse but haven't used OS X at all. If I have to start using OS X regularly, what are the things I should look out for? Tools I use are GNU tool chain, C++/Boost, etc....
68 votes
9 answers

Can we get compiler information from an elf binary?

Is there some chance to know how a binary was built, under Linux? (and or other Unix) Compiler, version, time, flags etc... I looked at readelf and couldn't find much, but there might be other ways ...
elmarco's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How can I (and should I) use my Linux file server as a Time Machine backup server for my Macs?

I have two Macs that I'd like to start backing up using Time Machine, but all of my storage is attached to my Linux file server. How can I use my Linux file server (which happens to be running Ubuntu ...
Sandy's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How do I get a long listing for a single directory?

I want to see a long listing for a single directory. When I type ls -lha, I see this: drwxrwxr-x 4 username groupname 4.0K 2010-08-05 09:55 files drwxrwxr-x 7 username groupname 4.0K 2010-08-05 14:...
user394's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

Where does Mac OS X come from?

Discussing with Mac owners, I got several versions of where Mac OS X comes from. It is known to have some root in BSD, but how much, and where? Some say that Mac OS X has a FreeBSD kernel, with all ...
Didier Trosset's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Any alternative of "man -a" on UNIX?

man -a <xyz> opens all the man pages one by one which contain xyz. On my unix servers man -a <xyz> doesn't work. Is there any alternative for this on unix? EDIT: I am on HP-UX. Following ...
Hemant's user avatar
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65 votes
10 answers

Why put things other than /home to a separate partition?

So recently a Debian 5.0.5 installer offered me to have separate /usr, /home, /var and /tmp partitions (on one physical disk). What is the practical reason for this? I understand that /home can be ...
Alex B's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

'kill java' doesn't kill java

I am running debian right now and sometimes I need to kill java manually from the terminal, but when I try kill #pid# or pkill java nothing happens. No console output (ok, that's normal) and java is ...
Simiil's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

How does a unix or linux system work? [closed]

I would like to know how the OS works in a nutshell: The basic components it's built upon How those components work together What makes unix UNIX What makes it so different from other OSs like ...
Sander Versluys's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

vim on FreeBSD does not react on arrow keys correctly and other vi-like behaviours

I tried to use vim on FreeBSD (via ssh on Linux xterm-compatible terminal). However vim behaves similar to vi out-of-box. For example it does not react on delete key, insert F character instead of ...
Maja Piechotka's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Strings enclosed in '' are ignored when using grep

When I tried searching for a string within a file, the results didn't include those that were enclosed in single quotes. For example: grep -rn text folder/ The results didn't include strings the ...
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