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How to print a double quote in POSIX scripting?

So far, I've been using "\"" to print a double quote: $ x="abc def" $ echo "x=\"$x\"" x="abc def" However, it seems like that behavior is ...
finefoot's user avatar
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How to properly parse a quoted arg-list string in a shell script?

Summary How to convert a single string a "b" 'c d' $'e\nf' into separate arguments, respecting quotes and preserving whitespaces and newlines? Question I'm trying to read and process the ...
Christian's user avatar
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Command substitution inside double quotes

I am attempting to write a bash parser. Many resources have referred to this wiki One area I am getting stuck is why the following would work echo "$(echo "hi")" # output => ...
falky's user avatar
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Why are aliases skipped if escaped?

A common way to skip aliases is to add a backslash before the aliased command. For example, $ alias ls='ls -l' $ ls file -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 70 Jul 30 14:37 file $ \ls file file My research has ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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What is the right way to quote nested parameter expansions?

When dealing with with nested parameter expansions, which of these is the correct way to quote things? This one: var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" Or this one: var="${var#${var%%[![:space:]]*}}"...
Harold Fischer's user avatar
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Is the behavior of escaping special characters inside double-quotes in mainstream POSIX-compliant shells at odds with POSIX?

Per the POSIX Shell Command Language Page: \ The <backslash> shall retain its special meaning as an escape character (see Escape Character (Backslash)) only when followed by one of the ...
Harold Fischer's user avatar
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POSIX Shell: inside of double-quotes, are there cases where `\` fails to escape `$`, ```, `"`, `\` or `<newline>`?

Per the POSIX Shell Command Language Page: \ The <backslash> shall retain its special meaning as an escape character (see Escape Character (Backslash)) only when followed by one of the ...
Harold Fischer's user avatar
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3 answers

shell: Quote string with single quotes rather than backslashes

How can I quote a string with single quotes? Eg, I can do: $ printf "%q\n" 'two words' two\ words $ Is there a way to get a single- (or double-) quoted string as output, ie: $ MAGIC 'two words' '...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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Escape double quotes in variable

I would like to put this command into a file to be run later: ln -s "$xr"/ya.txt ~ I can do that with (1): cat > <<eof ln -s "$xr"/ya.txt ~ eof or (2): printf 'ln -s "%s"/ya.txt ~\...
Zombo's user avatar
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9 votes
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What does `\time`, `t\ime` and `\cd` actually do? (fun with backslashes in shells)

While discussing over the differences between /usr/bin/time and the shell (bash and zsh) built-in time, someone mentioned that one can use \time as a shorthand to get /usr/bin/time. First it seemed ...
Jonas Schäfer's user avatar
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Any problem assigning one variable to another in shell without using quotes? [duplicate]

This question is about assigning the entire contents of one variable to another variable. Variable is not being used (sent to echo, etc.) No parameter expansion is being done during the assignment. ...
Caleb Paul's user avatar
17 votes
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POSIX compliant way to work with a list of filenames possibly with whitespace

I have seen Bash scripting guides suggesting the use of array for working with filenames containing whitespace. DashAsBinSh however suggests that arrays are not portable so I am looking for a POSIX ...
Eero Aaltonen's user avatar
217 votes
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$VAR vs ${VAR} and to quote or not to quote

I can write VAR=$VAR1 VAR=${VAR1} VAR="$VAR1" VAR="${VAR1}" the end result to me all seems about the same. Why should I write one or the other? are any of these not portable/POSIX?
xenoterracide's user avatar