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Copy array of multiple files with globbed extensions, in bash 3.2

I've found bits and pieces of each of the things I want to do across the Web, but nothing exactly fits my use case. I'm trying to write a script that copies multiple specific files to a directory on ...
Kevin Suttle's user avatar
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3 answers

grep .* returns results from .bash_history and complains about

I'm new to Linux and so far I've been playing around with some utilities, specifically the grep utility. I decided to create a new file (aptly called 'newfile') with the following content: Lady of ...
Charybdis's user avatar
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1 answer

Bash substitution with variable defined from a glob pattern

The below example explains the issue. Why is the FILENAME printed correctly when echoed and perceived as a pattern when using substitution? #!/bin/bash FILEPATH_WITH_GLOB="/home/user/file_*" ...
TheMeaningfulEngineer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

tar exclude files *.zip

Why don't *.zip patterns work in tar : tar cfjv backup.tar.bz2 --exclude mydir/files/*.zip mydir Is there another syntax?
Basj's user avatar
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scp command behaves differently when used with expect utility

expect -c 'spawn scp -C -o CompressionLevel=9 ~/partFiles/* [email protected]:/export/home/abc/; sleep 10; expect password; send "secretPassword\n";interact' throws - ~/partFiles/*: No such file or ...
Chani's user avatar
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how to locate a name-not-specified file in bash? [closed]

I have a bash like this to easily upload a file to my server: FILE=../"$1"/1.txt scp 1.txt remoteserver #upload the file to a remote server. The $1 is for input directory and I have a lot of ...
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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Passing wildcard * to a (bash?) script [duplicate]

I want to to remove all color codes which look like '@n', '@R' etc, from a moderately large size collection of text files. So in a file called 'remove_cc', I wrote the following: sed -ie 's/@r//g' $...
roo's user avatar
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30 votes
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Bash script error with strings with paths that have spaces and wildcards

I am having trouble getting the basics of Bash scripting down. Here's what I have so far: #!/bin/bash FILES="/home/john/my directory/*.txt" for f in "${FILES}" do echo "${f}" done All I want to ...
learningtech's user avatar
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2 answers

Problems with basename in a loop

I am new at shell script programming and I'm trying to execute a software that reads a text and perform it's POS tagging. It requires an input and an output, as can be seen in the execute example: $ ...
Rafael's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

ImageMagick on multiple files

I have converted a single file from BMP to PNG with ImageMagick's convert using the command below convert CD\ Front.bmp CD\ Front.png I have many such files, thus I tried: for f in */*.bmp ; do ...
user54619's user avatar
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Why does copying from a script screw with my files?

I am at a loss here, trying to find out the reason why a shell script that is basically copying a couple of files and directories from one place to another will result in the content of two of the ...
Oliver N.'s user avatar
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Delete all files starting with a question mark

I have a folder in which I have around 4k files. Some of these files start with a a ? or ! character. I need to delete them but can't find an expression that would do so: rm -f ./?* just deletes ...
recluze's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the difference between "*.pl" and *.pl in grep? Why does quoting change the result?

What is the difference between: grep "string" . -r --include *.pl and grep "string" . -r --include "*.pl" The latter includes files in subdirectoried while the former not. Why?
Jim's user avatar
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Very strange behavior with grep and IFS

I'm having trouble using grep, the returned results are "n-empty", I mean without the 'n' character... This is the script sample : OLDIFS=$IFS IFS="\\n" i=$(grep -ril $1 *) echo $i IFS=$OLDIFS I ...
Benj's user avatar
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56 votes
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Wildcards inside quotes

This will be an easy one, but in my memories, when shell scripting, using double quotes would allow expanding globbing and variables. But in the following code: #!/bin/sh echo *.sh echo "*.sh" echo ...
ptpdlc's user avatar
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