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How to escape this bash script's string?

This is my #!/bin/bash sed -i -- 's/<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ws: wss:;">/<meta my custom meta>/...
Edgar's user avatar
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Why do my single quotes vanish on substitution with sed

What is the right command for: sudo sed -i '/, false);/adefine( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M' );' /var/www/html/wp-config.php The result is: define( WP_MEMORY_LIMIT, 64M ); instead of the desired: ...
victor212's user avatar
45 votes
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using sed with ampersand (&)

I'm using sed to find and replace patterns within SAS files I have rather than changing them individually. The problem is I am trying to replace macro variables and when I use the ampersand it is not ...
DukeLuke's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to use a escape sequences in a variable in a sed command

I'm using sed to highlight a column in the output of a ps command, and it works fine if I hard code the color code. However, the color needs to be dynamic, so I tried moving it to a variable, and ...
Justin's user avatar
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Rewrite a find command that uses sed -i for AIX

I have a script that searches for a string and replaces it via the sed command. If that string contains special characters, the script will escape them (except for the slash because it's my current ...
Rich B. Goodman's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Bash converting path names for sed so they escape [duplicate]

I'm having a problem with a script. It is meant to change a value in a file called %DIR% so that it becomes a path name. The problem is the slashes in the directory name upset sed, so I get weird ...
John Tate's user avatar
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5 answers

Editing a sed statement

I'm writing a script to change on the fly the firefox home page through a text variable: sed -i 's|\("browser.startup.homepage",\) "\(.*\)"|\1 "$ddrs"|' /home/max/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js ...
Symb932's user avatar
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Insert text in specific lines of a file? with special characters

I know this has been answered several times, but I can't figure out how to use it for my project. I have several php files and want to add a new string between line 11 and 12. this is the string I ...
SchnitzelKopf's user avatar
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3 answers

How to correctly use quotes in sed? [duplicate]

For example I want to change "'this text'" "that text" 'other_text' into 'this text' "that text" 'other_text' I tried sed -e 's/^"\'/"/g' but my quoting must be off. Ubuntu.
Michael Durrant's user avatar
81 votes
2 answers

Slash and backslash in sed [duplicate]

I want to use sed to change a slash into a backslash and a slash, i.e. / -> \/. But it does not work. Here a small example: #!/bin/bash TEST=/etc/hallo echo $TEST echo $TEST | sed "s/hallo/bello/g" ...
devopsfun's user avatar
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sed replace ;" content with ';"

I have files that contain ;" and I need it replaced with ';" The following sed command does not work: sed -i "s/;"/';"/g" /root/ How can I do this? The solution doesn't have to be sed.
Teddy77's user avatar
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How do I properly escape this long su + sed command?

#!/bin/bash wineuser=tom su $wineuser -c "sed -i '$ialias ptgui "wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/PTGui/PTGui.exe\"' /usr/people/$wineuser/config/cshrc.csh" The acutal line inserted to tom's cshrc....
Party Time's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I add a line including single quotes to a file with sed [duplicate]

I want to append the following line to a text file with sed: gem 'forum2discourse' I've tried sed -i '$a gem \'forum2discourse\'' Gemfile but this drops me to a > prompt so I think I must be ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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Why can't I escape the braces "]" in sed?

Question: Why can't I escape the "]"? $ printf "*#$@~\!&*()[]\n" *#~\!&*()[] $ printf "*#$@~\!&*()[]\n" | sed 's/[*#$@~!&*()\[\]]//g' *#~\!&*() $
LoukiosValentine79's user avatar
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Using sed to replace a string with special chars with another string with special characters

I'm trying to automate switching out a bash prompt for another in .bashrc Original String: PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' ...
daedalus's user avatar

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