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value of $VAR already contains backtick and/or single quote inside. How to handle it? How to properly pass $VAR to program? [duplicate]

$ bash --version GNU bash, versione 5.2.26(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) I don't know how to deal with $VAR when its value inside contains single quote (') and/or backtick (`). I'm in the need of ...
dAllARA's user avatar
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I can't grep some inputrc string

bind -p |grep -E "\\e.\":" work but bind -p |grep -E "\\e\\C-.\":" don't work I tried a lot of combination
user3634569's user avatar
5 votes
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ls output display a file named "N'*" as "N'\''*"

System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) ls (GNU coreutils) 8.32 Situation: $ touch "N'*" $ ls 'N'\''*' "GNU Coreutils - Quoting File ...
yossi-matkal's user avatar
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bash cd issue with path containing spaces: "too many arguments" [closed]

I created a path with spaces, and when I try to change directory I get "too many arguments" error message despite escaping the spaces or quoting the path : Here are the tests I made : # ...
creatldd1 creatldd1's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use a variable in a command inside of a bash file

I use this command directly on our redhat linux server 8.8 and it's working correctly and I get the result I want: grep '01-FEB-2024' /u01/app/server1/listener_scan/trace/listener_scan.log | awk '{ if ...
TimLer's user avatar
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Why isn't passed quoted $@ a single argument? [duplicate]

Why isn't passed quoted $@ a single argument? f2() { echo "f2: $1" } f1() { local x=("$@") f2 "${x[@]}" } f1 x y Invocation: $ bash f2: ...
pmor's user avatar
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escape in double and single quotation [duplicate]

I am confusing why bash can escape "..." but can't escape '...'? Can some one give me a hint? Thanks test@test:~$ echo "He said, \"Hello world\"" He said, "Hello ...
joe's user avatar
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Why does -n with unquoted variable containing empty string return true? [duplicate]

From man bash: -n string True if the length of string is non‐zero. Examples: # expected $ var=""; [ -n "$var" ]; echo $? 1 # unexpected? $ var=""; [ -n $var ]; echo ...
pmor's user avatar
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How to proberly deal with quotes in filenames when using variables/arrays including the filenames in bash? [duplicate]

I have been working on a bash script for a few days and got stuck with filenames including single and double quotes. Give I want to iterate over the following files in a directory: 'file1.txt' 'file2....
benjamin10's user avatar
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How can I edit matching files if the paths contain whitespace in bash?

I sometimes grep (or rg aka ripgrep or ag aka silversearcher) for things and then want to edit the matching files. For the editor part I use bash's history. ~$ rg someThing ./path/to/some/file.txt 1:...
Robert's user avatar
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how to write function with nested commands [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a find and cd function like so: findcd () { cd "$(dirname "$(find '$1' -type '$2' -name '$3')")" } to be called like so: find . f [FILE_NAME] But it's ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Run `git commit -m` with single quotes in zsh

I sometimes use characters such as ! and $ in commit messages, they need to be manually escaped, but not if you use single quotes like this git commit -m 'My $message here!'. I tried to write a ...
Justin Breen's user avatar
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Bash reads quotes inside a variable as text, not quotes? Is "Implicit quoting" a thing in Bash?

I've got a bash script that cleans up the mail queue periodically. For Reasons, we've elected to delete any email to and other email2SMS gateways that are over 9 hours in the queue and ...
Criggie's user avatar
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Echoing "!" inside a string does some weird things [duplicate]

If I type in this: echo "Hello, World!" I don't know the name of it, but it prompts me for the next line. You know the PS2 thing. Or if you type echo \ and press Enter. Why? Well I know ...
Bog's user avatar
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Using a variable in between ' 's

I have a bash script with a line that was originally this convert '%d.jpg[1-300]' combined.pdf Uses convert from Imagemagick to strap a load of sequentially numbered jpgs in to a PDF. I've written a ...
Big_James's user avatar
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Why is echo "\*" the same as echo "\\*"

Title. echo "\*" has the exact same output as echo "\\*", \*. I am using GNU bash 5.2.15. I expected echo "\\*" to output \*, but I do not know why echo "\*" ...
Christopher Lee's user avatar
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Show quotes with echo inside bash -c

I am trying to echo I say "Hello, World!" with bash -c. This is (some of) what I have tried: $ bash -c "echo I say \"Hello, World"'!'"\"" $ bash -c "echo I ...
Liviu's user avatar
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Is it possible to print a command so that the output can be parsed to create the same command?

The question may sound quite complicated, but in fact it is not! Consider: % f() { echo "$@"; } % f a a % f cmd -o"value with space" cmd -ovalue with space % f cmd -ovalue with ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Problem with single quote in Bash [duplicate]

I have a sh script for initializing dzen2, and I want to use Source Code Pro font to use there. Here's the code... param="-p -dock -fn 'Source Code Pro-10'" # the generated_output function ...
manungsa's user avatar
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Why is "${1-"$var"}" (option 6 down below) not mentioned in POSIX?

The only reference I could find in the spec is this: It would be desirable to include the statement "The characters from an enclosed "${" to the matching '}' shall not be affected by ...
QuartzCristal's user avatar
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Getting jq error when using variable in command line

I am using jq to get the tag_name index with the script: curl \ \ -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ -o /var/tmp/cs-...
Rahul Khinchi's user avatar
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How to properly use quotes for a bash function?

I am trying to define the following bash function in my .bashrc file: function myfind() { find $1 -not -path venv -not -path .tox -name "$2" | xargs grep -n "$3" } which is ...
Alex's user avatar
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Recursively renaming apostrophs ' in filenames (Bash)

Need to remove apostrophes from files. I have tried several approaches, also from Stackexchange. I am on a Synology NAS, so I don't have Python, or Perl and furthermore I have to exclude certain ...
Gary U.U. Unixuser's user avatar
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pass long html string as argument to bash script (Filename too long)

I am passing an html string as an input to a bash script: def bash(commandStr): subprocess.Popen(commandStr, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash") def sendmail(subject, to, ...
Leftover Salad's user avatar
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Why isn't the `else` arm executed in this Bash script (for loop through an array)?

The following code is meant to look for subdirectories in ~/Downloads. I run it with . ./ It will find them even when the user submits an incomplete name. #!/usr/bin/bash echo -e "\...
John Smith's user avatar
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How do I convert this script into an alias (MacOS, ZSH) [duplicate]

This script works fine when directly typed into the console: N | find . -type f -iname "*.aac" -exec bash -c 'FILE="$1"; ffmpeg -i "${FILE}" -acodec libmp3lame "${...
Vadorequest's user avatar
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Please explain the behavior of these parameter expansions using IFS?

I'm trying to figure out how to use the ${parameter%word} expansion with $@ and $*. It started by trying to make a script to combine pdfs using ghostscript, but I ran into some weird behavior with ...
mangoduck's user avatar
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Bash: How do I quote shell arguments with spaces inside a variable containing multiple arguments without using an array? [duplicate]

In Bash, is it possible to pass a variable with a properly-quoted list of options to a command and not have it split on whitespace inside quotes? IOW, this script: MYCONFIG="--hi FOO=bar 'X=ABC ...
theory's user avatar
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Quoting inside [[ ]] in bash shell [duplicate]

Inside [[ ]] I do not need to quote variables right? Rather than if [[ "$flrm" == *"org"* || "$flrm" == "all" ]]; then printf '%s\n' "Delete: $fl" ...
Vera's user avatar
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Array Declaration: Double Quotes & Parentheses

Perhaps this is a stupid question but two hours on Google hasn't turned up anything on point. Simply, does a difference exist in Bash between: X=" a b c " and X=( a b c ) The former ...
ebsf's user avatar
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Bash's read builtin errors on a string-based timeout option specification but not an array-based one. Why?

In reading through the source to fff to learn more about Bash programming, I saw a timeout option passed to read as an array here: read "${read_flags[@]}" -srn 1 && key "$REPLY&...
qmacro's user avatar
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Removing single quotes from double-quoted variable element in array and run a command [duplicate]

I have a script where I dinamically change the arguments which must be passed to a command (mkvpropedit in this case). Consider the example script below: #!/bin/bash LANG_NAME="eng lish" ...
virtualdj's user avatar
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case-substring function and quoting

i use a simple function in a script in order to ckeck if a string contains a particular substring: #!/bin/bash # subs() { case $2 in *$1*) return 0 ;; *) ...
noemata's user avatar
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Why does the command echo `echo \\\\\\\z` in bash script print \\z instead of \\\z?

The command echo `echo \\\\\\\z` is from this book , I don’t understand why it prints \\z when it get executed via the bash script. I think it should print \\\z
ll cool's user avatar
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Does + need to be escaped in find commands?

I have the following code in bash and I wonder on whether I can get rid of \+ and simply use + find "$fdir" \ -type f -name "*.org" -o -name ...
Pietru's user avatar
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How to recursively set directory permissions with a find that lacks -exec?

My Qnap NAS is cursed with a find command that lacks the -exec parameter, so I have to pipe to something. The shell is: GNU bash, version 3.2.57(2)-release-(arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) I'm trying to ...
S. McCandlish's user avatar
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BASH ANSI-C Quoting - what is the Escape character \E

According to the GNU Bash manual (section ANSI-C Quoting) $'\E' should expand to "an escape character (not ANSI C)". What is this escape character? Is it the character equivalent to ...
Lavya's user avatar
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Pass qouted filename with spaces in a bash variable [duplicate]

In a bash shell, consider this: $ x="-name 'foo bar'" $ find $x find: paths must precede expression: `bar'' $ find -name 'foo bar' ./foo bar What can I put in $x to make find $x behave like ...
oskark's user avatar
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Why does substituting eval with declare (for creating dynamic variables) result in an empty variable?

With bash >5, I'm trying to assign a different value to variables depending on the architecture specified in a variable. I use a function to do so. This works perfectly: # arguments: variable ...
DeadBranch's user avatar
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Cannot understand this bash shell argument expansion

Totally crazy about the following commands: declare -a partition_files readarray -d '' partition_files < <(find "$choosen_image_folder" -name "*sda${i}.gz*") # this does not ...
piertoni's user avatar
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Why does quoting not protect filenames that start with "-" against mis-interpretation? [duplicate]

This might be a ridiculous post, but let's say we have a file called -|h4k3r|-, why doesn't this quoting work? cat '-|h4k3r|-' I thought single quotes remove meaning of all special characters? ...
William's user avatar
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Bash interpreting special character within single quotes [duplicate]

Ran into some unexpected but interesting behavior. I was doing a somewhat complex execution when I ran into a situation that from my understanding of how Bash handles characters shouldn't have ...
AnthonyBB's user avatar
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How would you gracefully handle this snippet to allow for spaces in directories?

I have a series of commands, e.g.: ssh -i key mkdir -p "${DEST_PATH}/subdir1" "${DEST_PATH}/subdir2" rsync "${SOURCE_PATH}" "$DEST_HOST:${DEST_PATH}/...
JoeSlav's user avatar
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Escaping backlash and double quotes inside a sed expression (surrounded by double quotes)

$ echo 'output: " ' | sed "s/\"/\"/" output: " $ echo 'output: " ' | sed "s/\"/\\\"/" output: " $ echo 'output: " ' | sed "s/\&...
pi-star's user avatar
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How to work around wildcard inside double quotes? [duplicate]

In bash, the file globbing * doesn't work inside double quotes, but my filename contains whitespace, so I need to double quote filename before passing it to a shell script. How can I do that? For ...
Tim's user avatar
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quoting problem with mysql

I'm running the following command and receiving an error related to quoting or something. #!/bin/bash test='my_table' date='2020-10-31 00:00:00.000000' mysql --user=halloween --password='ghost_123' --...
Ian Arman's user avatar
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To what does an unquoted empty variable expand in bash?

To what value does an unquoted, undeclared variable expand to in order to return an exit status of 0? Here is an example of a particular situation I ran into: [ -n $var ]; echo $? 0 [ -n "$var&...
twan163's user avatar
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Escaping double quotes inside command substitution

I am attempting to write a simple bash parser. I am following the steps in this wiki. One of the assumptions I make is that I can do a pass over the entire input string and remove all single and ...
falky's user avatar
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Command substitution inside double quotes

I am attempting to write a bash parser. Many resources have referred to this wiki One area I am getting stuck is why the following would work echo "$(echo "hi")" # output => ...
falky's user avatar
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How to construct bash command and arguments for ssh / su -c

I'm backing stuff up from an array list of sources, a bit like this simplified version: sources=( file1 file2 "other stuff" ) backupcommand="rsync -ar ${a[@]} dest/" su backupuser -...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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