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When and why was the single dash introduced for command line options?

Already in the 1980ies, ls -l did mostly what it does today. For a boolean option, in this case l, I hardly ever questioned why it is prefixed with a dash: without an indicator, ls l would mean "...
Harald's user avatar
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Why is `-W` reserved for vendor extensions?

Why does the POSIX standard reserve the -W option for vendor extensions of the system utilities? I do not understand why the letter ‘W’ is used. ‘V’ (for vendor) could make more sense. Maybe this ...
jiwopene's user avatar
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Why does the option --add_extra_groups in adduser contain underscore rather than hyphen word delimiters?

Premise Most of the long-form options in the various *nix tools use hyphens as word separators. Examples from man tr: --squeeze-repeats --truncate-set1 from man sudo: --preserve-env --set-home --...
enharmonic's user avatar
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Why is it find dir -name file and not find -n dir file?

I've searched around for this but I couldn't find anything on it. I've always wanted to know, why is it that most other built in bash commands have the format of command -flag arg1 arg2, i.e. cp -r ...
user2193268's user avatar
7 votes
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Why is the xargs -i option deprecated?

I was reading the Linux man page for xargs recently, and it appears that the -i option is deprecated. To quote from the documentation: -i[replace-str], --replace[=replace-str] This ...
James Ko's user avatar
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Why did "argument can be squished against option" prevail over "argument is always separate"?

Inspired by the recent question Why does the specific sequence of options matter for tar command?, in which the asker learned why tar -cfv test.tar *.jpg doesn't work, I'd like to ask a followup: ...
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54 votes
6 answers

Single dashes `-` for single-character options, but double dashes `--` for words?

Where did the convention of using single dashes for letters and doubles dashes for words come from and why is continued to be used? For example if I type in ls --help, you see: -a, --all ...
Larry's user avatar
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