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How to Log Each Outbound TCP Connection

At my company we have a set of 3 identical VMs. These VMs house an app that "sends messages". The app sends each message by making a TCP connection out to one of two fixed IP addresses (...
godot's user avatar
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Firewalld (nftables) SNAT problem

so my setup is following: A: PrivIP: PublicIP: B: PrivIP: (Interface: dummyip, dont ask why I named it like that) PublicIP: (Interface: eth0) They both are ...
TwoSoulz's user avatar
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Firewall : firewalld with docker open port for local service

I'm trying to open port for ssh on non-standard port like 12452, i used these commands and non of them worked iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 12452 -j ACCEPT iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 12452 -...
Ebrahim Karimi's user avatar
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Podman: automatic network rules and iptables

When I run podman container and share port 4444 as following example: podman run -dit --name test -p 4444:4444 alpine It creates following iptable Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt ...
Rafal Niznik's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 firewalld initiation problem: no python-nftables

I tried to use firewalld instead of ufw, but it keeps showing the following errors even after manually downloading python-nftables through sudo apt install iptables is not being used. $ systemctl ...
Nimbus's user avatar
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How does firewalld handle packet state internally when you add rules?

Coming from an iptables background, I can specify packet connection states (usually either NEW and/or ESTABLISHED) when defining new firewall rules. For example, this pair of rules will ensure that ...
huthut28's user avatar
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How to configure Firewalld to block incoming traffic on loopback interface?

I have firewalld enabled and configured as below: loopback (active) target: DROP icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: lo sources: services: ports: protocols: forward: no ...
x300n's user avatar
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Port forwarding while preserving original IP

Im using firewalld to forward an incoming port from the internet (9999) to a local LAN IP address ( like this: external (active) target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: ...
Maestro's user avatar
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Convert iptable rules to firewalld

Need your help to convert this to a firewalld command. I'm not sure that i will do it in proper way, so yeah :) -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Convert iptables rules to firewalld for supporting domain

I have a list of iptables rules (see below). The main idea of rules replace source ip address for each request on a specific destination IP address. These rules work properly, but in my case the ...
Yuriy Tigiev's user avatar
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Redirecting traffic for inside network, and allow this from only IP address

I have problem with iptables. In IP tables I make redirect traffic from port 4440 to inside IP Adresses -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4440 -j DNAT --to-destination
rootin's user avatar
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iptables accept from specific ips slows down SSH and web

I used ranges of IP address to block other countries, when I use SSH or some of my web services it slows down, if I remove the rules and put everything back to normal it works normally, any ideas?
Anthony Rogers's user avatar
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Firewall is active, added port to iptables but still cannot connect

We have RedHat 8 server. Firewalld is active. I need to connect to port 5050 from my lap top and from the second server, so I added it to the rules iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5050 -j ...
AndreyS's user avatar
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iptables/firewall-cmd DROP rules set last block ip rule set before

As follow is the list of the iptables rules that I have : # firewall-cmd --direct --get-all-rules ipv4 filter INPUT 0 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT ... ... ipv4 filter INPUT ...
Kevin's user avatar
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how to use firewalld in stateful mode

I have to setup an stateful firewall on centos8 using firewalld. I'm new to firewalld but have experience with old style iptables for this purpose. since it is recommended by Redhat here, I prefer to ...
H. Far's user avatar
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