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Questions tagged [emerge]

emerge is the definitive command-line interface to the Portage system. It is primarily used for installing packages, and can automatically handle any dependencies that the desired package has. There are at least three distributions which widely use this tool: Calculate, Funtoo and Gentoo Linux.

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Blocked packages problem in gentoo

I want to install xfce on gentoo but after running root #emerge --ask xfce-base/xfce4-meta there is error that the packages are blocked and i tried many things but none of them work. Please help me ...
Crazegi Contact's user avatar
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emerge reports "nothing to merge" for a crossdev toolchain unless executed inside chroot

Meta My host Gentoo installation is bootstrapped from a stage3 tarball, systemd version. My crossdev toolchain is aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu without systemd, compiled from scratch, not --stable. As for ...
mkay's user avatar
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On vanilla Gentoo, why does Portage "emerge install & remove" not remove a package?

On a freshly installed Gentoo 2.13 system, I ran these commands to install my first package: $ cat /etc/gentoo-release Gentoo Base System release 2.13 $ sudo emaint -a sync $ sudo emerge app-editors/...
DanB's user avatar
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media-libs/libogg package won't install because lack of certificate

Intro/Context - What I am trying to do: I want to install kde-plasma desktop enviroment, on my gentoo machine that works only in text mode now. emerge --ask kde-plasma/plasma-...
Dolidod Teethtard's user avatar
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How to install PFL (e-file) on Gentoo (in Docker)

I can't seem to figure out how to install pfl in order to get the e-file command. It was mentioned here that the pfl package would install the e-file command. So started a Gentoo Docker container and ...
Forivin's user avatar
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Gentoo invalid profile

So. Been going at the gentoo install without proper instructions until very recently. After emerge-webrsync stage of the install a message pops up saying "your current profile is invalid". ...
Linuxn00b's user avatar
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Is it safe to install packages with multiple instances of emerge running at the same time?

I'm currently installing Gentoo by following the Handbook. I ran emerge -uDN @world after changing USE flags and it's taking hours, but I would like to continue with the next step. Is it fine to ...
glibg10b's user avatar
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How can I run many emerge jobs in paralell?

When I install many packages at once, I use emerge --jobs=8 firefox vim. This will install the packages, but it won't run everything in paralel. For example, it will wait compile rust before compiling ...
MaxSilvester's user avatar
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emerge cannot prevent installing as it cannot find the package name

Gentoo emerge cannot find name of package In attempt to prevent the installation of dev-python/setuptools-53.0.0 failed emerge: error: Invalid Atom(s) in --exclude parameter: 'dev-python/setuptools-53....
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How to force a package to use a Python version in Gentoo?

I would like to use only one Python3 version for all my packages in a Gentoo system. So I looked for the installed versions and found out that three versions are installed: 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. I would ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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There are no ebuilds to satisfy

So, I want to install the vimb browser from a Gentoo overlay called 'booboo'. I added the overlay with layman and ran emerge vimb. This is what I get: emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">...
Akshat Vats's user avatar
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Command not found: eselect

I am using Gentoo (for the first time, actually). I am trying to set up package management. I discovered that I have to set up portage (emerge). While doing so, I had to run emerge --sync. That gave ...
user904542's user avatar
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Emerge (Gentoo) reports package as being installed and not installed

I am trying to upgrade a Gentoo installation from end 2018 to the current version (March 2020). I am following the instructions given here. I have a host installation which contains an up-to-date (...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Removing a single dependency via USE flag in Gentoo

I have a system whose sound is currently pulseaudio-{dis,en}abled, and I'm trying to remove pulseaudio. I first ran a emerge --update --newuse --deep @world and that worked fine. Then I added "-...
BadZen's user avatar
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How to set CPU_FLAGS_X86 during Gentoo Stage 3 Install From Minimal without cpuid2cpuflags

I'm attempting my first Gentoo install, I'm relatively well versed in Linux but haven't done a ground up install before like this. I'm installing from Minimal and trying to set my CPU_FLAGS_X86 and ...
Ryan Smith's user avatar
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download packages for offline gentoo update

I have a machine with gentoo that does not have internet access but I want to install a few packages on it. I do not have another machine with gentoo, how does one download packages for it? google ...
Nullman's user avatar
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How to force emerge to install a newer version of a package?

I'm using Gentoo and needing to install a newer version of gcc, available in the official Gentoo package repo. I want to do the equivalent of apt-get install gcc=8.0.3-r1 but cannot figure out how. ...
katiekeel's user avatar
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Can't install dev-util/meson-0.49.2::gentoo, with emerge, can't install any other package from the list

I am installing gentoo and now I am installing the packages with: (chroot)ubuntu /boot # emerge --ask --newuse --deep --verbose sys-boot/grub:2 os- prober and dev-util/meson-0.49.2::gentoo ...
user348574's user avatar
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Gentoo is missing X bitmapped fonts Helvetica, Times, Georgia

I'm installing Gentoo for the first time and I've noticed that all bitmapped X fonts except Misc are missing. For instance, I type xlsfonts | grep -i helvetica and it is not there, nor is times, ...
xyz's user avatar
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Gentoo Linux - "emake" failed: No rule to make target '3'. Stop

I am trying to install Gentoo, where, according to the Handbook, says to update the world set. I get this (truncated for character limit): pqueue.h => ../../include/openssl/pqueue.h make[2]: ...
SealsRock12's user avatar
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Having Troubles Installing Ninja on Gentoo

I am trying to install ninja (as a prequisite for YouCompleteMe for vim) and I get error. Here is the summary of my =dev-util/ninja-1.8.2::gentoo Portage 2.3.31 (python 3.5.5-final-0, default/...
Cupitor's user avatar
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emerge /etc/portage/make.profile is not a symlink during Gentoo installation?

I cannot run emerge-webrsync because it says that snapshots are not found. Nor can I execute mirrorselect, since I get command not found. Finally, I tried to run: $ emerge --ask app-portage/...
user9385563's user avatar
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emerge install package with flag which not in ruby_targets

$ emerge --info | grep ruby ..... RUBY_TARGETS="ruby23" ...... And I run emerge with --newuse and --deep, it will ask me to add use flag with ruby22. These packages are not in @system. These ...
Vonfry's user avatar
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Dependency conflict while upgrading Gentoo

When I tried to upgrade my Gentoo system, I had got following errors: WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict: sys-libs/zlib:0 (sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-...
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Failed to emerge dev-libs/boost-1.63.0 (incompatible properties)

I am trying to install gentoo (genkernel) and I have boost as dependency. I got this error in log file: What is the problem? b2 --user-config=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/boost-1.63.0/work/...
Sacha_D's user avatar
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Why /etc/portage/package.use lines do not work installing Openshot?

On Funtoo Linux I has no sense how to solve requirements. I added lines but again and again I cannot run openshot installation # tail -n 5 /etc/portage/package.use >=x11-libs/libXcursor-1.1.14 ...
znavko's user avatar
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Failed to emerge dev-libs/boost-1.65.0

I've got a following error while installing dev-libs/boost-1.65.0: >>> Install boost-1.65.0 into /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/boost-1.65.0/image/ category dev-libs * abi_x86_64.amd64: running ...
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Failed to emerge net-fs/samba-4.7.0-r1

I'm trying to update Gentoo to unstable. I executed emerge @preserved-rebuild because virtualbox-guest-additions install fails. emerge @preserved-rebuild stopped and threw error while Samba compiling. ...
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Gentoo failed to emerge sys-devel/prelink-20130503

I'm trying to install app-emulation/wine Gentoo package using command: sudo WINE_COMMIT="wine-2.0-rc5" STAGING_COMMIT="v2.0-rc5" emerge -av '=app-emulation/wine-9999' but compilation of sys-devel/...
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Funtoo: define for emerge to use certain version in futher world update

Funtoo has no libxklavier-5.4 that is required by latest xfc4-xkb-plugin-0.8.1 # emerge xfce4-xkb-plugin Calculating dependencies... done! emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">=x11-libs/...
znavko's user avatar
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How to work around a error in an eclass file located in a Gentoo overlay?

(cross-posting from the Gentoo forum) I try editing the .eclass file in order to correct the error, but it seems my edits are being defeated by a cache somewhere. The initial error occurs when I run ...
Michael Allan's user avatar
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How do you print a list of all upgradeable packages in Gentoo

doing emerge -avuDN --with-bdeps y --keep-going @world takes a whole lot of time and often fails. Is there a way to print a list of all upgrade-able packages in a Gentoo system?
oz123's user avatar
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When Gentoo emerge world fails, it starts again from the beginning. Why?

I've been using gentoo for about 10 years. I love the distro. But there is some thing that's been really needling me, and i've never got to the bottom of it, so I thought it might be worth asking in ...
Owl's user avatar
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Gentoo: cannot install sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.4.6, no error message

I am trying to install Gentoo on an old laptop following the online handbook. I got as far as installing the kernel sources (see here): the installation with emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-sources ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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How to install custom source from git using my package manager in Gentoo?

I would like to install custom source from a git repository, but using my package manager (emerge for portage). Background I have installed Gentoo using EFI using Sakaki's tutorial, so I have ...
Clayton's user avatar
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Manual emerge package zlib

How can I install/emerge a package manual in gentoo? I cannot download this package (ZLIB), because it gets blocked by our IT-Firewall (invalid decompression table). They scan each http/ftp request ...
Viatorus's user avatar
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emerge scheduled 2 versions of the same package (dev-lang/perl-5.20 vs. perl-5.22) to build - causing conflicts

I'm trying to update all my packages, so I ran: emerge -aUDU --with-bdeps=y --verbose-conflicts @world and I found a few package conflicts. Interestingly enough though, is that it has scheduled two ...
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How do I get Portage to always select to install and upgrade to the latest available version of selected software?

I would like to get Portage to always install the latest available version of selected software (i.e., software specified when running emerge, along with all relevant dependencies that also need to be ...
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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An issue that use Emerge to install package

I'm not too much experienced within Gentoo portage, When I tried to install Nodejs # emerge --ask monit nginx nodejs into my gentoo and i get an error message like: [ebuild N ] net-libs/...
Se ven's user avatar
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Gentoo won't update Chromium due to conflict with libxml, icu USE flag is globally set on make.conf, qt-webkit is not part of the conflict

I am running Gentoo Hardened using kernel version 4.1.7-hardened-r1. When I first set up my system I was able to emerge Chromium without a hitch. However, I recently issued emerge --sync followed by a ...
RAKK's user avatar
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How do I apply multiple profiles at once on Gentoo?

I am installing KDE on a Gentoo Linux Hardened system. The official Gentoo wiki says the recommended way is to apply the KDE desktop profile, issue emerge -NDu --with-bdeps=y @world, and then install ...
RAKK's user avatar
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Fatal mistake: Uninstalled sys-devel/binutils - emerge don't work anymore

I cleaned up my system 3 weeks ago and made a fatal mistake. Well, I don't really know why, but I uninstalled sys-devel/binutils. After I recognized the mistake I tried re-emerge, but it doesn't work....
am1's user avatar
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How to download nouveau source in selected directory with Portage?

I would like to download Nouveau source code. There is an x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau ebuild, but I don't want to install it(downloading is okay though). Let's say that I want to install it into ~/...
MatthewRock's user avatar
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How to stop emerge showing "unnecessary" blockages

I am usually updating my ~amd64 Gentoo system using emerge -avNuD --backtrack=100 @world. I do however often get the following type of blockages. sys-libs/ncurses:5 (sys-libs/ncurses-6.0:5/6::...
Tim's user avatar
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Can't install MySQL client libraries on Gentoo

I'm new in Gentoo. I'm trying get the mysql2 gem installed. But it's stuck. I found out that I need MySQL client libraries. I tried: emerge dev-db/mysql:minimal * IMPORTANT: 2 news items need ...
James M's user avatar
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Using package.env for phase hooks

Following this answer I've set up a simple file /etc/portage/env/echo.conf: post_pkg_postinst() { echo "updating $P to $PV" } with the line sys-apps/util-linux echo.conf in /etc/portage/...
Uroc327's user avatar
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What does "WHIRLPOOL size ;-)" mean?

Often when installing or upgrading packages the following appears in the log: * ….tar.gz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... What does this mean and what does the emoticon signify? ;-)
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Python now thinks arguments are files: Broken emerge, pip, livestreamer and most tools using Python

For these commands (in both bash and fish): sudo emerge eix emerge eix I get this error: usage: emerge [-h] [--version] [input [input ...]] emerge: error: argument input: can't open 'eix': [Errno 2]...
kolobos's user avatar
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Why does Chromium use so much disk space on Gentoo Linux?

I have chosen Gentoo for my Linux distribution. I installed it in VirtualBox for practice purposes only, so I just gave it 10GB of disk space. Yesterday when I tried to emerge the Chromium package, it ...
John's user avatar
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Gentoo CPU_FLAGS_X86 doesn't work

I havn't updated my system for few months and found i have to add new option to my make.conf. Ok, so now i have CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx avx2 fma3 mmx mmxext popcnt sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3" ...
Ximik's user avatar
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