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Need to make multiple multiline replacements in file

I have a file with multiple "paragraphs" like this: <type>TRANS</type> <attributes/> <specification_method>rep_name</specification_method> <trans_object_id/&...
Todd Porter's user avatar
-1 votes
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awk inside function causing errors

I'm trying to add the following to my .bashrc: cpu_info() { top -b -n1 | grep Cpu(s) | awk '{print $2 + $4}' } but bash is telling me: bash: .bashrc: line 131: syntax error near unexpected token `...
Mathew's user avatar
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Text processing grep and awk together on live script not working

I am using ssh to login to a remote server (Ubuntu), and then issue a command which outputs text/value each sec (live script). In the live output, I want to filter out the lines containing '...
SAM's user avatar
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4 answers

How to catch all lines of a repeating pattern and do some actions with the subresults

I am looking for a possibility to catch in a repeating text pattern all variable amount of lines between them and then do an action with it in bash. Example text: Total: text1 text2 Total: text3 Total:...
André Letterer's user avatar
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Listing a certain part of filenames and their contents

I have a Linux machine with BusyBox, which has a directory called /data/var/lib/connman.  That directory holds some directories that I'm not interested in.  But it contains many .config files that ...
Norbert's user avatar
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How to add content to a file before the last } character using Busybox utilities?

There is a file with contents { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "is_alive": true, "age": 27, "address": { ...
Maxim's user avatar
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print a text block / lines between pattern using grep or awk

My file file.txt looks like this: [NamesA] Andreas Alex [NamesB] Bernd Bruno [NamesC] Casper [NamesD] Doris I would like accomplish the following 3 different outputs, using grep or awk to use it ...
AKSNET's user avatar
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print characters between a specific pattern containing <>

i am asking for your help please. I reviewed a lot of sources and did some testing with awk and sed, but i can't get it to work. Below is a snippet of a config file which i could get an output via ...
AKSNET's user avatar
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7 answers

Find all lines between two patterns, EXCLUSIVE of the second pattern?

Consider that I have the file listed below. I need to select all lines from every instance of the regex pattern Word A to before the regex pattern Word D. Word A Word B Word C Word D Word E Word F ...
RonJohn's user avatar
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Grep a log file for SQL queries and their execution time

I have an application log file that also captures the execution time for each executed SQL statement, like below:- Sample logs: I 2023-11-15 07:18:00.743Z 1760463 37 ZVRwqItu6aw-b8eejMLI_gAAAAU 1@...
Arpit Jain's user avatar
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Filtering out values in a column that are zero

I have the following dataset: 071,36,035,08422,46217,00000,1,A,Broadalbin village (pt.),New York,18,46,46,46,45,45,44,46,44,46,43,43 071,36,045,29322,56209,00000,1,A,Glen Park village (pt.),New York,...
Mathew's user avatar
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2 answers

Recursive pattern search - output formating: for each match file print out the specific file name "\n", line number, sentence matched "\n" in colors

I want a file content search command, under Linux so that: it will search on specified files, e.g: md, txt, htm. recursively from the folder and its subfolders, e.g: . the content search can be ...
user2718593's user avatar
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3 answers

How to recreate grep -f with awk

I have a large file with lots of unnecesarry info. I am only interested in section between edit and next and handle them as one entry. I manage to filter it down like this.... ' awk 'BEGIN {FS = &...
peti27's user avatar
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How to view a log file that's worth 10GB+?

The ways that I've thought of: If you get to reproduce the scenario in real time. Use tail -f application.log | tee /tmp/tailed_log But it's not sure that we'll get to reproduce the scenario in real ...
achhainsan's user avatar
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Grep Multiple Pattern located in different lines and print in the same line

I'm trying to find a way to grep information in the file that located in the different lines and one of the pattern is contain pattern of date and time. below is the input unwantedtext unwantedtext ...
Ajie Pahlevi's user avatar
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How do I use grep, awk, or sed to get a substring of a line up until a string literal?

I am trying to process a text file and omit a certain string literal if it occurs at the end of the line. E.g.: Source: ABC 123 DEF, characters I don't want GHI, these characters are ok Desired ...
Evan Harmon's user avatar
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Why does awk concatenate strings from different lines

Good day. I'm trying to run a ping6 on IPv6 addresses pulled from /etc/resolv.conf.dnsph. It seems though, as if awk is stringing the IPv6 addresses onto one line. $ grep ^nameserver /etc/resolv.conf....
Bjoern's user avatar
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How can I select only successful values from leakcheck output?

I have these results that came from leakcheck. How do I properly exclude "false" results and still include the email using bash [email protected] {"success":false,"error":&...
noobwithskillissue's user avatar
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Find files matching one pattern, but not another, using grep, awk or sed [duplicate]

I need to locate .php and .pl files that do not contain one string (e.g. aaa), but do contain another (e.g. bbb). I'm currently using this command: find /path/ \( -iname '*.php*' -or -name '*.pl*' \) -...
Krackout's user avatar
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grep multiple patterns with differing number of matching groups?

I'm trying to tally insertions and deletions from git diffs. I have the following, which when piped one or more strings of the form "4 files changed, 629607 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)" ...
jawns317's user avatar
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Removing trailing newline from grep output

I'm looking for way to remove new line from grep output, I use grep -oP "changed: \[([^]]+)\] =>|'path': '([^']*)'" /path/to/file The output is like: changed: [hostname1] => 'path': '/...
shlco's user avatar
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Replace the last half in every line of a file with corresponding part in another file

I have two files A and B. Every line in both files is considered an item. The format of every item is fixed, consisting of a key and description, separated by a space. as shown in the example below. ...
echo's user avatar
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grep from a specific value to specific value

For example, I have a file with data: [2023-03-21 12:27:19 +0000] some_data [2023-03-21 12:27:19 +0000] some_data [2023-03-22 12:27:19 +0000] some_data [2023-03-23 12:27:19 +0000] some_data [2023-03-...
Mexanizm456's user avatar
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How do you get the individual outputs of grep?

I've seen grep thrown around in plenty of answers but never wrapped my head around it. Now that I am playing with trying to get the content within HTML tags of a locally saved page from the internet, ...
Tim50001's user avatar
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Select all the text or characters between 2 text patterns that are repeating

Following is the sample .log file (there can be more lines in this) 2022 User abc (iii) 2023 defaa <party> ttt 2222221 User def (bbb) 20222 defaa <accoun> ttt 2222 User dddd (aaa) 3333 ...
John Doh's user avatar
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Extract first word from txt file before ending with "/" sign in linux which contains "db" word in txt line

I have abc.txt file which contains two lines. I want to extract first word in line which contains db word in particular line. abc.txt: XYZ/db_abc.sql ijkl/tables/table_name/tl_abc.sql When I tried ...
Divyank's user avatar
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1 answer

"grep -A" but with some lines removed

The problem The output of grep -A 4 davidson file.txt gives me: davidson 0 27 |r|= 0.00244 e= [-0.04073962 0.42777949 0.44157777 0.45997235 0.45997235 0.51613738 0.55005554 0.5538866 0....
Nike Dattani's user avatar
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Script to find pdf files based on IDs

I have 500 IDs for students in an excel file (I have only one column for IDs) and I need to find the reports (pdf files) for each student among the 2K pdf files. These files are in one folder. Finally,...
Joman's user avatar
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6 answers

search pattern and print in same line

I have a big .txt file in below format Pin name="AR_OP" status="f" Pref x=997.6800 y=2327.0400 side=N width=0.0400 depth=0.3750 / Layer id=1 -- Pin name="...
Shreya's user avatar
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How to bring the next line to the end of the first line using awk, separated by a comma?

I have downloaded some sequences from a publicly available database in .fa format. I want to generate a .csv file that contains the name of the sequence, and its length, separated by a comma. This is ...
Hrishikesh Hardikar's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to keep previous and current line if the previous line contains common text?

How to keep previous and current line if the previous line contains common text? I have a main file like this: Hello_world Anna Frank Jeremy Hello_earth Jessie James I would want 3 output files like ...
jovicue's user avatar
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3 answers

Searching in a CSV for multiple values and get the associated values from it

I have a file.csv "ItemNo","Name","Weight" "a001","Item a","1.1" "a002","Item x","1.2" "a003","...
R 9000's user avatar
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for loop with grep not returning record by record [closed]

I have the below for loop in my shell script: #!bin/ksh touch output.dat IFS=">>>" i=0 for stm in `grep "cpdctl dsjob run-pipeline --project " input_file` do echo "...
Jerry Jose James's user avatar
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Trying to get a desired output from a text file

I have a output like this in a text file, where ^M represents CR Last login: Sat Jan 22 09:49:50 2023 from^M Cisco Router uptime exit -f Connecting user mike from ******************...
rmb's user avatar
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How to collect both full lines, and matching part of line?

Is it possible to output both the full line and the matched parts of some line? Suppose I have this input low [ 0]: 0xffff0000 Interesting description A hi [ 0]: 0xffff00a0 Interesting description B ...
Moberg's user avatar
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Count lines ending in "*"

I have several files in a directory with this kind of content: Wood * Nails Large Hammer * Some names have a star after them, some don't. I have multiple files with such content. In each file a ...
math101's user avatar
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Awk multiline change

I have the following file for datadog ######################################## ## System Probe Network Configuration ## ######################################## # network_config: ## @param enabled -...
user9311662's user avatar
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1 answer

command for multiple input and multiple output with different extension

I am performing some operations using the grep, sed, and cut commands on a Linux machinete: zgrep -A1 "^module" *.v.gz | sed -n -e 's/^\(module \)*\(.*(.*)\).*$/\2/p' | cut -f1 -d"(&...
Santhosh Nayak D.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

command for multiple input and multiple output

I am performing some operations using the grep, sed, and cut commands on a Linux machinete: zgrep -A1 "^module" *.v.gz | sed -n -e 's/^\(module \)*\(.*(.*)\).*$/\2/p' | cut -f1 -d"(&...
Santhosh Nayak D.'s user avatar
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3 answers

script using linux command to search word

I have the file, In the file data few lines have only one word, if such a case is present i want to print following line as the present line can I get some tips for this grep -E "module" ...
Santhosh Nayak D.'s user avatar
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How to return true if string is found in a file using awk?

I have a file that looks like this: xxxxx,aaaaaa,abab21323,ccccccc I need a script that runs some command if a file contains a string given as a variable. If not, do some other commands. This is my ...
Claudio Del Prete's user avatar
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Extract IP:PORT from a curl output

I want to get list ip:port from the curl output of curl I cannot post the whole output as it is very big, just posting the part from where we ...
ph3ro's user avatar
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Sed delete everything before and after characters

I'm running on android this Command: dumpsys activity activities | grep mFocusedApp Output: mFocusedApp=ActivityRecord{273535b u0 com.any.some/.app.AnyActivity t5595} Expected: com.any.some I need ...
Name F's user avatar
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Grep first charcter from the string

10:30:01 10:35:01 There is a time in a format, where i want to grep: Case1: 1 from 10 Case2: 3 from 30 Output as 1 3 0 10-17-22 date in a format where i want to grep 10, 17, 22, seperately. Output ...
Siva  E5209's user avatar
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I need to grep using string "degraded" and I want the output with Health State,Name, and Type. This is in Name Value Pair format

Name = Description = Tenant = Type = host Address = Netmask = OS type = VMware ESXi Ignored address = Host ...
ksv001's user avatar
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Divide a fasta file with scaffolds into same lenght files respecting the scaffold ID and the sequence

I am currently working with a large fasta file (3.7GB) that has scaffolds in it. Each scaffold has a unique identifier that starts with > on the first line and on the consecutive line it has the ...
Nadia Tamayo's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Extract patterns from tsv table listed in the separate text file and add first 5 cells from the corresponding row

I am trying to extract some specific entries from a large tsv table using a list. I also need corresponding data in the first 5 columns. listfile.txt entry123 entry532 entry685 entry555 ...etc... ...
jkaymanm's user avatar
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Save output of xdpdump to a variable

How can I save the output of xdpdump to a variable. I just want to save the number of packets captured. root@front:/home/ubuntu# timeout 2s xdpdump -i ens3 -w lol.pcap listening on ens3, ingress XDP ...
ph3ro's user avatar
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5 answers

Print ONLY the next line after a match with awk

I have a command that prints the line directly after a match with several pipes using different tools like grep, awk, and tail. This works but it feels somewhat messy and uses multiple pipes to ...
AndG's user avatar
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2 answers

AWK or grep with cut. Need help cutting a field

I have this file and need to cut field 3 which should be cut - f 3. Right? I am using this code and its absolutely not doing anything for me. grep '^2014-' FileName | cut - f 3| less
B York's user avatar
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