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Questions tagged [alias]

An alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence. This can save a great deal of typing at the command-line and avoid having to remember complex combinations of commands and options.

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Unable to iterate over files using ZSH alias [duplicate]

I have simple command to iterate JPG files for f in *.JPG;do echo "Processing $f";done The terminal output is as follows: Processing IMG_0316.JPG Processing IMG_0317.JPG Processing IMG_0318....
xssknix's user avatar
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How to call many shell functions from sudo?

I have a huge alias file sourced by ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc which contains both simple aliases and more functions for more complex stuff: # example aliases alias "sudo=sudo " alias "...
Polizi8's user avatar
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How do commands resolve in bash? [duplicate]

When doing which python, I am getting /usr/bin/python. When doing which python3, I am getting /usr/bin/python3. However, When doing alias python=/usr/bin/python3, still which python returns /usr/bin/...
Gulzar's user avatar
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How can I know which are my most used aliases?

I would like to know which aliases I use most often, in both zsh and vim, so I can rename them to have more or fewer letters depending on the use. And also to remove aliases I never use, because I ...
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How can I get aliases and functions descriptions?

I use oh-my-zsh and I have many aliases and functions I can't remember, so I use alias ag="alias | grep" to find out what an alias does. I also use alias-tips. But instead of getting the ...
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2 answers

Bash: Alias not recognized in shell interpolation

~$ bash --version GNU bash, version 5.1.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) ~$ alias bab=python ~$ $(echo bab) bash: bab: command not found I'd expect bab to be turned to "python", but it ...
Nitz's user avatar
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Change mount location of an encrypted volume?

I've followed this page to make a partition encrypted. When I format the created luks volume I do this: root@M17A:/home/mike# sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptpart mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020) Creating ...
mike rodent's user avatar
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Escaping correctly creating an alias

alias wp='watch -d --interval 1 "oc get pods | grep 0/1 | grep -v Completed | awk {'print \$1,\$2,\$3,\$4'} | column -t "' I'm trying to escape this command. I've tried escaping the print ...
Tom S's user avatar
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4 answers

Alias to create a file with new folder named after ISO date and open the file in vim

I would like to create an alias in .bashrc so that I can create a Markdown or text file in a folder that is named as ISO date with GMT time and then open that file in an editor. This is an output I ...
D H's user avatar
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3 answers

Automatically source a file when `cd` into a specific directory

I have couple of utility commands-and-aliases that are generic enough in any directory for my own requirement. But there are certain directory e.g. 'build', where I need a custom behaviour. To do this,...
mtk's user avatar
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How do I convert this script into an alias (MacOS, ZSH) [duplicate]

This script works fine when directly typed into the console: N | find . -type f -iname "*.aac" -exec bash -c 'FILE="$1"; ffmpeg -i "${FILE}" -acodec libmp3lame "${...
Vadorequest's user avatar
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How to overwrite aliases in my shell (Oh My Zsh)?

I would like to alias my ls command, but there is a previously defined alias for it which I believe gets invoked first before my definition! I am using .zshrc to define my alias, and here is what I ...
Farhad's user avatar
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Connecting to a ssh server based on interface up

I'm trying to make a bash alias that connects via ssh to a server based on the availability of an interface. If the first interface is available, then connect through a specific IP, otherwise connect ...
giovi321's user avatar
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Using `1>&- 2>&- &' as an alias after a shell command

To run a program with bash in background, with no text output, it is possible to use: 1>&- 2>&- &. I would like to define an alias for this. However, if I write in .bashrc alias ...
BowPark's user avatar
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zsh alias not being unaliased in zshrc

[leading dots elided because I don't want to type them] An alias--gl--is set to git pull by a plugin in my zshrc. I want to set it to a git log command. I'm on macOS and, as expected, /etc/zshrc is ...
meangrape's user avatar
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