Linked Questions

2 votes
4 answers

Man -f what does the (1) stand for? [duplicate]

I'm looking at the -f flag on man which is described as: -f, --whatis Equivalent to whatis. Display a short description from the manual page, if available. See whatis(1) for details. ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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What is the significance of the "1" in ls(1)? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the numbers in a man page mean? I see functions referred to with numbers in the parenthesis in documentation. What does this mean? It takes one argument?
Marty's user avatar
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What does the "(8)" in fsck(8) mean? [duplicate]

*nix commands (and functions?) have a number with them, like fsck(8), killall(1), etc. What does the number mean?
user541686's user avatar
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What does the number mean in a man page? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the numbers in a man page mean? If I typeman ls, I seeLS(1) in the top left and top right corners of the manpage. I also see programs on the internet being refered ...
Trevor Hickey's user avatar
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What is the reason for having numbers within the brackets of a function ? [duplicate]

I have seen on many occasions a name of a function (frankly speaking I just call it function because of it typical appearance, they are though sometimes named commands or system calls but I do not ...
Abdul Al Hazred's user avatar
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man pages: meaning of '2' in STAT(2)? [duplicate]

What's the significance of the number, like the 2 in STAT(2), seen in man pages? For example, man 2 stat yields a man page with STAT(2) at the top and a description that begins, The stat() function......
ivan's user avatar
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what is the significance of the "7" in "man 7 regex"? [duplicate]

When I type man regex into a shell, this loads REGEX(3) Linux Programmer's Manual REGEX(3) ...
the_velour_fog's user avatar
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What means the "integer argument" in system call descriptions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the numbers in a man page mean? All system calls described in manpages have an associated number such as exec(3). What is the meaning of this number?
borges's user avatar
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What's the meaning of (1) in the man page? [duplicate]

With man bc, I have a line starting with bc(1). bc(1) bc(1) NAME bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language Some of ...
prosseek's user avatar
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Linux Man Pages Folders Organization, Structure and Naming Convention [duplicate]

I have a question regarding linux man pages folder organization/structure as it appears in the output of the command below: [root@centos8 man]# pwd /usr/share/man [root@centos8 man]# ls -d ./man* ./...
stackoverflowpro's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the predefined order in which man searches sections? [duplicate]

The description of man in its own man page contains the statement, The default action is to search in all of the available sections following a pre-defined order ("1 n l 8 3 0 2 5 4 ...
LongTP5's user avatar
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What does the number mean in 'ls(1)', 'stat(3)' and 'apt(8)'? [duplicate]

While browsing through the web and local documents, I often see expressions like this: See apt(8) for more information about the available commands. My question is, what does the number here stand ...
iBug's user avatar
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What are the difference between man1, man2, man3... folders? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the numbers in a man page mean? What are the differences between manX pages? Why are they separated?
Tyilo's user avatar
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crontab(1), crontab(5) what's the difference? [duplicate]

I want to learn how to use crontab. I see there are two manual pages: crontab(1) crontab(5) Why are there 2 manual pages? What are the differences between them? Do I need to study both in order to ...
Argent's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the number part of man pages? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the numbers in a man page mean? As in the "(1)" in git-svn(1)
ripper234's user avatar
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