I've a file named addresses.txt :

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

I'd like to echo "[email protected]" using for loop. Here's what I did :

cat addresses.txt | while read address
echo "${address}.html"

Here's the result :

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Same result if I add a space between the variable and ".html"

What am I miss ?


  • 5
    try dos2unix addresses.txt
    – taliezin
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 10:12
  • Doing with the shell only would suffice while read -r addr; do echo "${addr}.html"; done < addresses.txt Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 11:31

2 Answers 2


What's happening is that the file is in Windows format, where newlines are represented by the two-character combination CR, LF. You're using Unix tools which expect newlines to be represented the Unix way, with just the LF character. The shell treats CR (carriage return) as an ordinary character, so it becomes part of the value of the address variable. When you print out the result on a terminal, the terminal interprets the CR character as “go back to the beginning of the current line”, which is why the .html bit that comes after the CR overwrites the beginning of the line.

You can convert the file to use Unix newlines.

If you want your code to be robust to input files with Windows newline encoding, you can tell the shell to treat CR as a whitespace character by adding it to the IFS variable.

while IFS="$IFS$(printf '\r')" read address; do
  echo "${address}.html"
done <addresses.txt

Another solution would be to strip the CR character from the end of the value in case it's there, using a parameter expansion string manipulation construct. Note that backslash-newline for line continuation won't work if the file actually contains backslash-CR-newline, so you should turn that off to avoid confusion.

CR=$(printf '\r')
while read -r address; do
  echo "${address}.html"
done <addresses.txt

In ksh93, bash and zsh, you can use $'\r' instead of $(printf '\r').


I was recommended to try dos2unix addresses.txt, and can say that this solved the problem. Thanks a lot !!

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