I have a script which has a faster not-so-precise version and a slower thorough version (think recursive directory comparison or duplicate file search). I would like to run the slower version by default on volumes which have high seek penalty (conventional HDDs) and a faster version on volumes which are inherently fast (SSDs, RAM drives, etc.)

Is there something similar to DEVICE_SEEK_PENALTY_DESCRIPTOR in Win32 API that I could check in Linux?


1 Answer 1


Starting from kernel 2.6.29, SSD disks are automatically detected, and you may verify this with:

cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational

You should get 1 for hard disks and 0 for a SSD.

Source: https://superuser.com/questions/228657/which-linux-filesystem-works-best-with-ssd#answer-550308

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