I see that the window says that I could use alt + crtl + g... but that's on a PC keyboard. What would the combination on a mac? I tried with ctrl + command + g but it doesn't work.


1 Answer 1


Try Control+Option+G.

Don't use the Command key, it must be the Control key.

  • You almost got it. It's ctrl + option + g. Feel free to update your answer. I will accept it.
    – eftshift0
    Commented Oct 6, 2020 at 16:43
  • 2
    ctrl+option+g doesn't work for me. command+tab is processed by the host OS allowing me to switch window though - but this is not ideal, since I'm not able to access the QEMU menubar. I'm on macOS BigSur (x86-64) Commented Dec 28, 2021 at 13:40

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