I am familiar with several commands like top, htop, free, etc. However, is there a command to see the peak/burst memory usage of the entire server (not individual processes) over, say, the last 30 days/24 hours/etc.?

  • The only solution I am aware of is to use a trending application stack, such as StatsD + Graphite.
    – jayhendren
    Commented Dec 21, 2016 at 20:04

2 Answers 2


atop tracks historical metrics and is command line based.

It's packaged in Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora.



You'll need to collect these metrics.

Sysstat may do this assuming you can define a couple crontabs.

Note that tools such as Munin or Collectd are a couple popular solutions that would allow you to do this (while I wouldn't recommend Statsd/Graphite to newcomers, if at all).

Monitoring solutions such as Cacti, Zabbix, Nagios (with perfdata, such as Icinga or Shinken), or SNMP-based would also allow you to generate graphs from collected metrics.

We could also mention Netdata: even though that one won't keep histories, it's still pretty helpful graphing instantaneous resources usages.


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