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in .forward [email protected], [email protected]~/.forward [email protected], [email protected]

with this I get an email on my box and it is also written to /var/mail/root/var/mail/root. (my distribution is debianDebian with postfix) Replace.
Replace "" with the domain name of your server

in .forward [email protected], [email protected]

with this I get an email on my box and it is also written to /var/mail/root. (my distribution is debian with postfix) Replace "" with the domain name of your server

in ~/.forward [email protected], [email protected]

with this I get an email on my box and it is also written to /var/mail/root. (my distribution is Debian with postfix).
Replace "" with the domain name of your server

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in .forward [email protected], [email protected]

with this I get an email on my box and it is also written to /var/mail/root. (my distribution is debian with postfix) Replace "" with the domain name of your server