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I'm working on a project that accomplishes just that. Check it out: localalias.

Here's a demo:

enter image description hereenter image description here

Funny enough, I actually used go as an example in the demo. I did not show switching directories (something I should change about the demo) but the functions with the la command are indeed local to the directory they are defined in.

I'm working on a project that accomplishes just that. Check it out: localalias.

Here's a demo:

enter image description here

Funny enough, I actually used go as an example in the demo. I did not show switching directories (something I should change about the demo) but the functions with the la command are indeed local to the directory they are defined in.

I'm working on a project that accomplishes just that. Check it out: localalias.

Here's a demo:

enter image description here

Funny enough, I actually used go as an example in the demo. I did not show switching directories (something I should change about the demo) but the functions with the la command are indeed local to the directory they are defined in.

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I'm working on a project that accomplishes just that. Check it out: localalias.

Here's a demo:

enter image description here

Funny enough, I actually used go as an example in the demo. I did not show switching directories (something I should change about the demo) but the functions with the la command are indeed local to the directory they are defined in.