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Rui F Ribeiro
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Based on hostapd, I am building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides a Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect to this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS checks if a URL is reachable; if not: client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. PopupThe popup is used for login, presentation or else.

I'd like to display such a popup to present my machine's service, but I don't get it. I've avoided the net forward though. All connections are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why don't I get such a popup? How to get it? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost?

Similar ideas:

When the popup happens, how is its content is defined? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note; where is this page is stored? How does the OS know the URL to display in the popup?

Based on hostapd, I am building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides a Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect to this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS checks if a URL is reachable; if not: client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. Popup is used for login, presentation or else.

I'd like to display such a popup to present my machine's service, but I don't get it. I've avoided the net forward though. All connections are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why don't I get such a popup? How to get it? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost?

Similar ideas:

When the popup happens, how is its content is defined? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note; where is this page is stored? How does the OS know the URL to display in the popup?

Based on hostapd, I am building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect to this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS checks if a URL is reachable; if not: client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. The popup is used for login, presentation or else.

I'd like to display such a popup to present my machine's service, but I don't get it. I've avoided the net forward though. All connections are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why don't I get such a popup? How to get it? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost?

Similar ideas:

When the popup happens, how is its content is defined? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note; where is this page is stored? How does the OS know the URL to display in the popup?

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Jeff Schaller
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Based on hostapd, I mam building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides a Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect to this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS checkchecks if a urlURL is reachable,reachable; if not  : client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. Popup is used for login, presentation or else.

IdI'd like to display such a popup, to present my machine's service. But, but I dontdon't get it. I veI've avoided the net forward though. All connexionsconnections are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why dontdon't I get such a popup  ? How to get it  ? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost  ?

// link to something in the same context Similar ideas: Captive portal [HostApd] detection by the browser?

whenWhen the popup show happens, how is its content is defined  ? You see what I mean ? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note,note; where is this page is stored  ? howHow does the OS know the URL to display in the popup  ? That s really my quest

Based on hostapd, I m building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides a Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS check if a url is reachable, if not  : client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. Popup is used for login, presentation or else.

Id like to display such a popup, to present my machine's service. But I dont get it. I ve avoided the net forward though. All connexions are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why dont I get such a popup  ? How to get it  ? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost  ?

// link to something in the same context: Captive portal [HostApd] detection by the browser?

when popup show happens, how its content is defined  ? You see what I mean ? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note, where this page is stored  ? how the OS know the URL to display in the popup  ? That s really my quest

Based on hostapd, I am building a captive portal.

  • My Linux Machine provides a Wifi access.
  • iPad's and Android clients-tablets connect to this Wifi.

Generally, any client OS checks if a URL is reachable; if not: client OS states it is captive, and displays a popup browser window. Popup is used for login, presentation or else.

I'd like to display such a popup to present my machine's service, but I don't get it. I've avoided the net forward though. All connections are redirected in the machine localhost website.

Why don't I get such a popup? How to get it? How/Where should I implement it on my localhost?

Similar ideas:

When the popup happens, how is its content is defined? For instance, a restaurant captive portal asks for your secret number on your note; where is this page is stored? How does the OS know the URL to display in the popup?

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Rui F Ribeiro
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