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Trying to use the correct terms as applicable: moderator, high-rep, user, contributor etc, as suggested by Stephen Kitt's comment on 14-Mar-2023. Trying to simplify the question as much as possible without removing detail relevant to the answers and comments.
Source Link

Are new users subjected to prejudicial or intensified scrutiny by moderatorsreviewers?

I have an experience to share as a new contributor to where I sensed some slight undercurrents of prejudice.  It would be great to receive a response from the moderatorsusers mentioned here but any input, technical or otherwise, from others is welcome.  I was not able to respond in situ with my thoughts so pardon me for creating a new question.

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
I attempted to contact a contributor via a minor edit to muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding the "mangled code", where he responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  I couldn't comment, only edit, my posts.  The resultant URL after clicking "comment" was: What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

Observation 2: A possibly valid edit by a new user is ignored
Incidentally, I found a possible error in @muru'smuru's answer to question 278443 where he said that the command dd bs=1 count=1000000 "will be horrendously slow".  This involved processing only 1 million bytes which would not be slow.  A test on my dual-core took 1.8 seconds.

Observation 3: Logical reasoning is not always required by moderatorshigh-rep users, only statements
In my first draft of the edit to @muru'smuru's answer I realised that I had altered it too much and decided to post my own answer to question 278443.  I said "a partial read by dd with ibs=1 would be unlikely".  A moderatorhigh-rep user @StephenStephen Kitt commented that "it is impossible".  That comment has since been deleted but how is it impossible?  For raw data without a multiple of 8 bits i.e. 0< n mod 8 <8  and ibs=1 where the block size is 1 byte or 8 bits how does dd deal with a read of, say, 3 bits?  I do not know, particularly with older media such as tape and older versions of dd.  My knowledge on dd is limited here.  If @StephenStephen Kitt had the time to explain or point to a relevant post on this topic then this would fill in the path to education could continuegaps.  I have not yet found any further information to support his statement.

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from @StephenStephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if Stephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then the wider community would benefitI can understand why my answer doesn't work.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer, described in Observation 4, was not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#, which only goes to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice favouring moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru'smuru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet apparently received no critique from moderatorsreviewers.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @StephenStephen Kitt.  

Observation 7: ModeratorsHigh-rep users can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderatorhigh-rep user @murumuru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion and I rectified it, but it appeared muru's edit wasn't reviewed by a third party because of moderator statuscertain privileges/status because the error was not noticed.

As I have only spent a few days on the site it is too early to make conclusions.  I don't believe the aforementioned moderatorscontributors are making any begrudging or personal attacks but I am of the impression that there is a hierarchical culture here where there is bias between new members are scrutinised without restraint and without provision of grounds by long standing-standing members (moderators).  I understand that moderators will need to politicise their responses, but is this true?  Is there a pecking order here or is this community on a level field of information sharing?

Are new users subjected to prejudicial or intensified scrutiny by moderators?

I have an experience to share as a new contributor to where I sensed some slight undercurrents of prejudice.  It would be great to receive a response from the moderators mentioned here but any input, technical or otherwise, from others is welcome.  I was not able to respond in situ with my thoughts so pardon me for creating a new question.

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]

Observation 2: A possibly valid edit by a new user is ignored
Incidentally I found a possible error in @muru's answer to question 278443 where he said that the command dd bs=1 count=1000000 "will be horrendously slow".  This involved processing only 1 million bytes which would not be slow.  A test on my dual-core took 1.8 seconds.

Observation 3: Logical reasoning is not required by moderators, only statements
In my first draft of the edit to @muru's answer I realised that I had altered it too much and decided to post my own answer to question 278443.  I said "a partial read by dd with ibs=1 would be unlikely".  A moderator @Stephen Kitt commented that "it is impossible".  That comment has since been deleted but how is it impossible?  For raw data without a multiple of 8 bits i.e. 0< n mod 8 <8  and ibs=1 where the block size is 1 byte or 8 bits how does dd deal with a read of, say, 3 bits?  I do not know, particularly with older media such as tape and older versions of dd.  My knowledge on dd is limited here.  If @Stephen Kitt had the time to explain or point to a relevant post on this topic then the path to education could continue.  I have not yet found any further information to support his statement.

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from @Stephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if Stephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then the wider community would benefit.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer, described in Observation 4, was not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#, which only goes to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice favouring moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 7: Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion and I rectified it, but it appeared muru's edit wasn't reviewed by a third party because of moderator status.

As I have only spent a few days on the site it is too early to make conclusions.  I don't believe the aforementioned moderators are making any begrudging or personal attacks but I am of the impression that there is a hierarchical culture here where new members are scrutinised without restraint and without provision of grounds by long standing members (moderators).  I understand that moderators will need to politicise their responses but is this true?  Is there a pecking order here or is this community on a level field of information sharing?

Are new users subjected to prejudicial or intensified scrutiny by reviewers?

I have an experience to share as a new contributor to where I sensed some slight undercurrents of prejudice.  It would be great to receive a response from the users mentioned here but any input, technical or otherwise, from others is welcome.  I was not able to respond in situ with my thoughts so pardon me for creating a new question.

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
I attempted to contact a contributor via a minor edit to muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding the "mangled code", where he responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  I couldn't comment, only edit, my posts.  The resultant URL after clicking "comment" was: What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

Observation 2: A possibly valid edit by a new user is ignored
Incidentally, I found a possible error in muru's answer to question 278443 where he said that the command dd bs=1 count=1000000 "will be horrendously slow".  This involved processing only 1 million bytes which would not be slow.  A test on my dual-core took 1.8 seconds.

Observation 3: Logical reasoning is not always required by high-rep users, only statements
In my first draft of the edit to muru's answer I realised that I had altered it too much and decided to post my own answer to question 278443.  I said "a partial read by dd with ibs=1 would be unlikely".  A high-rep user Stephen Kitt commented that "it is impossible".  That comment has since been deleted but how is it impossible?  For raw data without a multiple of 8 bits i.e. 0< n mod 8 <8  and ibs=1 where the block size is 1 byte or 8 bits how does dd deal with a read of, say, 3 bits?  I do not know, particularly with older media such as tape and older versions of dd.  My knowledge on dd is limited here.  If Stephen Kitt had the time to explain or point to a relevant post on this topic then this would fill in the gaps.  I have not yet found any further information to support his statement.

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from Stephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if Stephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then I can understand why my answer doesn't work.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer, described in Observation 4, was not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#, which only goes to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice favouring long-standing users
I noted that muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet apparently received no critique from reviewers.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 7: High-rep users can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a high-rep user muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion and I rectified it, but it appeared muru's edit wasn't reviewed by a third party because of certain privileges/status because the error was not noticed.

As I have only spent a few days on the site it is too early to make conclusions.  I don't believe the aforementioned contributors are making any begrudging or personal attacks but I am of the impression that there is a hierarchical culture where there is bias between new and long-standing members.  I understand that moderators will need to politicise their responses, but is this true?  Is there a pecking order here or is this community on a level field of information sharing?

Reorganise, simplify.
Source Link

Observation 1: Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrectNew contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion rather than negligence on his part.   The situration was resolved diplomatically.

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from @Stephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if @StephenStephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then the wider community would benefit.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer, described in Observation 4, was likely not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to the top of the page.

[06-Nov-2020] Similarly, attempting to delete the same post redirects to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#, which only goes to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice tofavouring moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 67: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
I attempted to contact a contributer viaA few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a minor edit tomoderator @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding@muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the "mangled code" from Observation 1.  @muru responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username"code.  IIt was not able to commenta by-product of format conversion and I rectified it, but onlyit appeared muru's edit, my posts wasn't reviewed by a third party because of moderator status.

Additional InformationMy system (05-Nov-2020):

  • Regarding my client-side browser limitationsiMac 2006, I don't require a technical investigation by the moderators because my system is 14 years old and the browser is unsupported: Mac OS X 10.6.8,.
  • Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit) (unsupported). Chrome settings: Javascript enabled, Images enabled, Cookies enabled. I
  • I can navigate to and pages. I will try a more up-to-date system.

Observation 1: Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion rather than negligence on his part.   The situration was resolved diplomatically.

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from @Stephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if @Stephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then the wider community would benefit.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer was likely not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to the top of the page.

[06-Nov-2020] Similarly, attempting to delete the same post redirects to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

Observation 6: Prejudice to moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 6: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
I attempted to contact a contributer via a minor edit to @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding the "mangled code" from Observation 1.  @muru responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  I was not able to comment, but only edit, my posts.

Additional Information (05-Nov-2020):

  • Regarding my client-side browser limitations, I don't require a technical investigation by the moderators because my system is 14 years old and the browser is unsupported: Mac OS X 10.6.8, Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit). Chrome settings: Javascript enabled, Images enabled, Cookies enabled. I can navigate to and pages. I will try a more up-to-date system.

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]

Observation 4: Plausible solutions by new users are disparaged
Question 278443 is "What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file?".  I then added an option using the read command, stating that there are limitations after testing a few successful examples.  I received a comment recently from @Stephen Kitt saying "POSIX read is very limited, so in the context of this question, your read approach doesn’t work".  "Limited" and "doesn't work" are mutually exclusive mathematical probabilities.  In the context of the question, read is a built-in command of POSIX that can be successfully used to read an exact number of bytes as long as certain conditions are met.  There are limitations, as stated in my answer, but the OP did not require a failsafe or limitless option.  Even so, if Stephen Kitt can briefly explain these limitations then the wider community would benefit.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer, described in Observation 4, was not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#, which only goes to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice favouring moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 7: Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion and I rectified it, but it appeared muru's edit wasn't reviewed by a third party because of moderator status.

My system (05-Nov-2020):

Reordered question
Source Link

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own postsModerators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion rather than negligence on his part but I wanted to inform him nonetheless.  I did not know how to contact him so I attempted to submit a minor edit to @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 and append a memo on the "mangled code".  @muru responded in a comment that  The situration was both apologetic and helpful.  He added "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  This is not true for new contributors.  I cannot comment, but only edit, my postsresolved diplomatically.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer was likely not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to the top of the page.

[06-Nov-2020] Similarly, attempting to delete the same post redirects to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

Observation 6: Prejudice to moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 6: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
I attempted to contact a contributer via a minor edit to @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding the "mangled code" from Observation 1.  @muru responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  I was not able to comment, but only edit, my posts.

  • I was unsuccessful in commenting on my answer to question 278443. The resultant URL was What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

  • Similarly, attempting to delete the same post redirects to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

  • Regarding my client-side browser limitations, I don't require a technical investigation by the moderators because my system is 14 years old and the browser is unsupported: Mac OS X 10.6.8, Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit). Chrome settings: Javascript enabled, Images enabled, Cookies enabled. I can navigate to and pages. I will try a more up-to-date system.

    Regarding my client-side browser limitations, I don't require a technical investigation by the moderators because my system is 14 years old and the browser is unsupported: Mac OS X 10.6.8, Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit). Chrome settings: Javascript enabled, Images enabled, Cookies enabled. I can navigate to and pages. I will try a more up-to-date system.

Observation 1: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion rather than negligence on his part but I wanted to inform him nonetheless.  I did not know how to contact him so I attempted to submit a minor edit to @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 and append a memo on the "mangled code".  @muru responded in a comment that was both apologetic and helpful.  He added "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  This is not true for new contributors.  I cannot comment, but only edit, my posts.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible
Seeing that my answer was likely not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to the top of the page.

Observation 6: Prejudice to moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 1: Moderators can edit and approve at will, even if incorrect
A few days ago I posted an answer to a Vim question at and a moderator @muru edited it in kind, but inadvertently introduced errors into the code.  It was a by-product of format conversion rather than negligence on his part.   The situration was resolved diplomatically.

Observation 5: Self-deletion of a post by a new user is not possible [Resolved]
Seeing that my answer was likely not beneficial I then attempted to delete it by the obvious method of clicking on the "delete" button at the bottom of the post where it shows in this order: "share", "edit", "delete", "flag".  However, I was not able to do so.  The result is a client-side redirection to the top of the page.

[06-Nov-2020] Similarly, attempting to delete the same post redirects to What's the POSIX way to read an exact number of bytes from a file? where the query is noredirect=1#.

Observation 6: Prejudice to moderators and long-standing users
I noted that @muru's post on the same question (278443) possessed similar, if not, less merit than my answer, yet received no critique from moderators.  His post had a score of "-1" prior to my posted answer and "0" afterwards which indicates to me that it was probably upvoted by @Stephen Kitt.  

Observation 6: New contributors cannot comment on their own posts [Resolved]
I attempted to contact a contributer via a minor edit to @muru's lowest rated answer to question 278443 regarding the "mangled code" from Observation 1.  @muru responded "you can always address editors to your post by commenting with @username".  I was not able to comment, but only edit, my posts.

  • Regarding my client-side browser limitations, I don't require a technical investigation by the moderators because my system is 14 years old and the browser is unsupported: Mac OS X 10.6.8, Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit). Chrome settings: Javascript enabled, Images enabled, Cookies enabled. I can navigate to and pages. I will try a more up-to-date system.
Changed heading to "Additional Information".
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Removed comments.
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Tried to condense the comments.
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Added more comments to @Kusalananda and @Michael Homer. Cleaned up some of the comments.
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Added an appendix, addressing the comments and answers of @terdon, @Stephen Kitt, @user414777 etc.
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