Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金控

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金控


正向力量 成就可能™


以「成為亞洲一流的金融機構」為發展願景的富邦金控,旗下主要子公司包括富邦人壽、台北富邦銀行、富邦銀行(香港)、富邦華一銀行、富邦產險、富邦證券及富邦投信等,擁有最完整多元的金融產品與服務,經營績效耀眼,位居市場領導地位。富邦金控深耕台灣逾60年,以「正向力量 成就可能™」為品牌理念,致力以正向的力量及全方位的金融服務,支持人們追尋美好未來。 截至2023年底,富邦金控總資產達11兆1,063億元,為台灣總資產第二大、市值第一大金融控股公司, 2023年稅後淨利為660.17億元,每股盈餘(EPS) 4.80元。富邦金控已連續15年榮登台灣金控業每股盈餘獲利王。富邦金控及子公司優異的永續經營表現也深獲國際專業肯定,已連續七年入選道瓊永續指數(DJSI)之最高榮譽「世界指數」成分股,連續八年入選道瓊永續指數「新興市場指數」成分股。 Intent on becoming one of Asia’s first-class financial institutions, Fubon Financial Holdings has the most complete portfolio of financial products and services in the industry, provided through a strong lineup of subsidiaries that includes Fubon Life, Taipei Fubon Bank, Fubon Bank (Hong Kong), Fubon Bank (China), Fubon Insurance, Fubon Securities and Fubon Asset Management. These subsidiaries ensure that Fubon delivers consistently strong results and remains a market leader. Fubon Financial Holdings has nurtured its presence in Taiwan for more than 60 years, and its brand concept – “Be positive All possible” – reflects its commitment to support those pursuing a better future with positive energy and an unrivaled array of financial services. As of the end of 2023, Fubon Financial Holdings had total assets of NT$11.11trillion, the second highest among financial holding companies, and its market capitalization was the highest in the sector. After-tax net profit totaled NT$66.02 billion in 2023, with earnings per share (EPS) of NT$4.80, the highest in the sector for a 15th consecutive year. The efforts made on sustainability by Fubon Financial Holdings and its subsidiaries have earned widespread recognition internationally. Fubon has been selected as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices’ top index, the DJSI World Index, for seven straight years and to the DJSI Emerging Markets Index for eight years in a row.

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Taipei City


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    No.237, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist.,

    10657 TWTaipei City


Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金控員工


  • 當永續浪潮持續撲面而來,讓經濟結構與社會資源面臨重新分配,金融業如何助力產業,在邁向永續轉型的道路上,不遺落任何一個人?   2024富邦永續大未來論壇「產業X金融攜手同行 跨越永續轉型落差」昨日精彩落幕,副總統蕭美琴、臺灣大學校長陳文章、富邦集團董事長蔡明忠蒞臨致詞,論壇齊聚國內外專家學者的獨到見解與觀點也讓我們重新思索,手握資金的金融業如何從政策、法規到實務,全方面協助台灣永續轉型。富邦金控邀請您再次收看回放,關心台灣永續轉型課題💪🏻   點我觀看更多論壇資訊與精采回放👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gy3KzUpr How can the financial industry assist industries in ensuring that no one is left behind on the path towards sustainable transformation, as the wave of sustainability continues to approach and causes a reallocation of economic structures and social resources?   The 2024 Fubon Sustainable Future Forum, themed "Industry and Finance Working Together to Bridge the Gap in Sustainable Transformation," concluded yesterday with remarkable success. Bi-khim Hsiao, Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Wen-Chang Chen, President of National Taiwan University, and Daniel M. Tsai, Chairman of Fubon Group, delivered speeches at the forum. The unique insights and perspectives shared by domestic and international experts and scholars at the forum have prompted us to rethink how the financial industry, with its financial resources, can comprehensively assist Taiwan in sustainable transformation from policies, regulations to practical implementation. Fubon Financial Holdings cordially invites you to watch the replay again and focus on the issues of Taiwan's sustainable transformation.💪🏻   Click here to view more forum information and exciting replays👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gy3KzUpr

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  • 【2023永續報告書上線,串聯正向金融生態圈】 富邦金控發布2023年永續報告書,宣示實踐綠色金融,透過永續投融資、永續保險、風險管理、普惠金融服務與產品、金融教育和倡議,以金融的力量帶動台灣產業永續轉型。 蔡明興董事長表示:「身為臺灣金融業的領導者,富邦將持續積極扮演『轉型催化劑』,確保邁向永續未來的路上沒有人掉隊。」 富邦將持續透過ESG四大策略:低碳、數位、激勵與影響,驅動台灣加速永續轉型: l  扮演綠色金融加速器,綠色投融資金額2.57兆元 l  領跑AI阻詐,與超過30家銀行同業組建「 鷹眼識詐聯盟 」 l  大力支持員工生育,補助逾4,830人次、金額逾1億3,200萬元 一起了解更多永續亮點 → https://lnkd.in/gXEkhrh6 --- Connecting the positive financial ecosystem, the 2023 sustainability report is now available online Fubon Financial Holdings released its 2023 sustainability report today to demonstrate its commitment to green finance practice. Through sustainable investment and financing, sustainable insurance, risk management, inclusive financial services and products, financial education and initiative, the company aims to drive Taiwan's industrial sustainability transformation using the power of finance. Chairman Richard M. Tsai stated: "As a leader in Taiwan's financial industry, Fubon will continue to actively play the role of 'transformation catalyst' to ensure that no one is left behind on the path towards a sustainable future."   Through four ESG strategies: decarbonization, digitalization, empowerment and connection, Fubon continues to drive Taiwan's accelerated sustainable transformation: l  Acting as a green finance accelerator, the amount of green investment and financing reached NT$2.57 trillion.   l  Leading the way in AI fraud prevention, we have collaborated with more than 30 banking peers to establish the "Eagle Eye Anti-Fraud Alliance".   l  We are committed to fully supporting our employees in childbirth, with subsidies benefiting more than 4,830 individuals and a total amount exceeding NT$132 million.   Let's explore more about sustainable highlights together → https://lnkd.in/gXEkhrh6   Watch the animation for 90 seconds to quickly understand the Fubon sustainable projects 👇👇👇

  • 前進日本!#台北富邦銀行獲台灣金管會核准申設東京分行   為擴大海外布局,滿足台資企業跨境金融需求,台北富邦銀行獲得台灣金管會核准申設日本東京分行,將服務據點延伸至東北亞,建構更完整的國際金融服務網絡,以深化跨國服務能力,協助促進台灣與日本間之經貿往來。   台北富邦銀行以「成為亞洲一流的金融機構」為願景,穩健布局全球服務版圖,目前在台灣、香港、大陸、越南、新加坡、印尼、澳洲等國家皆設有服務據點,除日本東京分行外,亦正積極籌備印度孟買分行及韓國首爾辦事處,期望透過綿密完善的亞太區域服務網絡,擴大海外業務規模、創造多元獲利來源,進一步強化跨境服務深廣度,滿足客戶全方位金融需求,為企業創造更多價值。   #富邦金控 #台北富邦銀行 #正向力量成就可能   Move forward, Japan! #Taipei Fubon Bank has obtained approval from the Financial Supervisory Commission (Taiwan) to establish a branch in Tokyo   To expand its overseas layout and meet the cross-border financial needs of Taiwanese enterprises, Taipei Fubon Bank has obtained approval from the Financial Supervisory Commission (Taiwan) to establish a branch in Tokyo, Japan. By extending our service location to Northeast Asia, we are constructing a more complete international financial service network to deepen cross-border service capabilities and assist in promoting economic and trade exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.   With the vision of “becoming one of Asia’s first-class financial institutions”, Taipei Fubon Bank has strategically expanded its global service network. Currently, the bank has service locations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and other countries. Apart from its Tokyo branch, the bank is actively preparing to establish a branch in Mumbai, India, and a representative office in Seoul, South Korea. Through a comprehensive and well-established service network in the Asia-Pacific region, the bank aims to expand its overseas business scale, create diverse sources of profit, further strengthen the depth and breadth of cross-border services, meet customers' comprehensive financial needs, and create more value for enterprises.   #FubonFinancialHoldings #TaipeiFubonBank #BepositiveAllpossible  

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  • #富邦榮耀│富邦金控連續兩年蟬聯《機構投資者》「亞洲最佳管理團隊」保險業雙榜冠軍   《機構投資者(Institutional Investor)》雜誌「2024年度亞洲最佳管理團隊」票選結果出爐,富邦金控以全台唯一名列「最受尊崇企業」金融業者之姿,一舉奪得「全亞洲保險業」及「亞洲保險業(中國大陸除外)」雙榜冠軍👍🏻並囊括六項大獎第一名,以大滿貫的好成績稱霸亞洲保險市場‼️   🏆富邦金控董事長蔡明興榮獲「最佳執行長」 🏆富邦金控總經理韓蔚廷榮獲「最佳財務長」 🏆富邦金控榮獲「最佳投資者關係專業人員」、「最佳投資者關係企業」、「最佳ESG」、「最佳董事會」 #GloryofFubon│ For two years in a row, Fubon Financial Holdings has secured two championships in the insurance industry of the "Asia's Best Management Team" poll conducted by “Institutional Investor”   The results of the "2024 Asia’s Best Management Team" poll by “Institutional Investor” have been announced. Fubon Financial Holdings is the only company in Taiwan to be named the "Most Honored Company" in the financial industry and has won the championship in both "The Entire Asian Insurance Industry" and "The Asian Insurance Industry (excluding Mainland China)" categories, 👍🏻 as well as winning six major awards and dominating the Asian insurance market with outstanding performance!!   🏆 Richard M. Tsai, Chairman of Fubon Financial Holdings, has been honored with the prestigious title of "Best CEO"   🏆 Jerry Harn, President of Fubon Financial Holdings, has been honored with the prestigious title of "Best CFO"   🏆 Fubon Financial Holdings has been honored with the prestigious titles of "Best IR Team," "Best IR Program," "Best ESG," and "Best Board of Directors"

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  • 【富邦銀行(香港)榮獲HR Asia 2024亞洲最佳企業雇主獎(香港地區)】   富邦銀行(香港)獲HR Asia頒發 #2024亞洲最佳企業雇主獎(香港地區),彰顯該行對員工滿意度、福利和發展堅定不移的精神,以及透過營造積極的工作環境來促進員工成長和卓越表現。   隨着越來越多 #Z世代#Zoomers 進入職場,年輕一代的生活體驗及期望💪🏽與前幾代完全不同。富邦銀行一直積極透過倡導包容性、聆聽和回應員工的需求,以實現更高的員工滿意度。未來,我們將繼續在人才招募和培訓上作出投資,創造多元的職場文化,團結互助和持續創新。   xn--www-5i7gu90iilb.fubonbank.com.xn--hk-ch6cu81a8so070cuhmmpd87ilma(香港) 的其他資料。   #富邦銀行香港 #富邦銀行 #FubonBankHK #FubonBank #FubonHongKong #正向力量成就可能 #BePositiveAllPossible #HRAsia #BestCompaniesToWorkFor   [Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) won the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 – Hong Kong region]   Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) has just won the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 – Hong Kong region, demonstrating the Bank’s strong commitment to employee satisfaction, welfare and development, and efforts in encouraging growth and excellence by promoting a positive workplace environment.   As more and more #GenZ , or #Zoomers, enter the workplace, their life experiences and expectations are very different from the previous generations. Fubon Bank is actively striving to achieve even better employee satisfaction by promoting inclusivity, listening to and addressing the needs of our employees. The Bank will continue to invest in recruiting and training new talent. All to create a diverse workplace culture full of solidarity, teamwork, and innovation.   For more information about Fubon Bank (Hong Kong), please visit www.fubonbank.com.hk   #富邦銀行香港 #富邦銀行 #FubonBankHK #FubonBank #FubonHongKong #正向力量成就可能 #BePositiveAllPossible #HRAsia #BestCompaniesToWorkFor #ZChoice  

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  • #富邦榮耀|富邦金控與富邦人壽齊獲北市府首屆「友善育兒事業獎」肯定   臺北市政府勞動局28日舉辦首屆「友善育兒事業獎」頒獎典禮,富邦金控與富邦人壽雙雙獲此殊榮🎊展望未來,富邦將持續遵循「激勵」策略的精神,打造相互尊重、全方位友善的職場環境,以全面的照護與關懷,促進員工身心健康,展現正向力量,成為幸福職場的典範企業。   #富邦金控 #正向力量成就可能ᵀᴹ #激勵   #GloryofFubon | Fubon Financial Holdings and Fubon Life were both recognized by the Taipei City Government for the inaugural "Friendly Parenting Enterprise Award."   On the 28th, the Department of Labor of Taipei City Government held the inaugural "Friendly Parenting Enterprise Award" ceremony, with both Fubon Financial Holdings and Fubon Life receiving this prestigious recognition. 🎊Looking ahead, Fubon will continue to adhere to the spirit of the "empowerment" strategy to create a workplace environment that is respectful and friendly in all aspects, promote the physical and mental health of its employees with comprehensive care and concern, demonstrate positive power and become a model enterprise for a happy workplace.   #FubonFinancialHoldings #BepositiveAllpossible #Empowerment

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    富邦金控、富邦文教基金會與臺大風險中心合作舉辦「富邦永續大未來論壇」即將於6/5(三)盛大登場!即日起開放報名,歡迎各界和富邦一起,從政策、法規到實務,攜手關心台灣的永續轉型課題,與國、內外專家學者一起,全方面探討「環境、社會與治理」三個面向的議題💪🏻   【2024富邦永續大未來論壇資訊】 論壇主題:產業X金融攜手同行 跨越永續轉型落差 時間:2024年6月5日(星期三) 9:10-17:30 地點:臺灣大學法學院霖澤館國際會議廳 (台大辛亥路復興南路口) 論壇簡介:當永續浪潮撲面而來,讓經濟結構與社會資源面臨重新分配,金融業如何助力產業,在邁向永續轉型的道路上,不遺落任何一個人?論壇聚焦國際最新ESG治理架構,從綠色金融政策法制、TCFD調查報告到歐盟社會永續分類標準、金融部門轉型責任、供應鏈淨零挑戰等議題,探討金融與產業如何因應永續轉型挑戰,達到共生共榮。   點我立即報名👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gy3KzUpr   #富邦金控 #正向力量成就可能ᵀᴹ #ESG #富邦永續大未來論壇   Fubon Financial Holdings, Fubon Cultural and Educational Foundation, and Risk Society and Policy Research Center of National Taiwan University are collaborating to host the "Fubon Sustainable Future Forum" on June 5th (Wednesday)! Registration is now open to the public. We welcome everyone to join with Fubon in discussing Taiwan's sustainable transformation issues, from policies and regulations to practical applications. Let's work together with experts and scholars from home and abroad to comprehensively explore the three aspects of "Environmental, Social, and Governance."💪🏻   【2024 Fubon Sustainable Future Forum Information】 Forum Topic: Bridging the Gap in Sustainable Transformation through Collaboration between Industry and Finance Date: June 5, 2024 (Wednesday) 9:10 AM to 5:30 PM Venue: Conference Hall of Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, National Taiwan University (Intersection of Xinhai Road and Fuxing South Road). Forum Introduction: As the wave of sustainability approaches, causing a redistribution of economic structure and social resources, how can the financial industry assist industries in ensuring that no one is left behind on the road to sustainable transformation? The forum focuses on the latest international ESG governance framework, discussing topics such as green finance policy legislation, TCFD survey report, European Sustainability Reporting Standards, the responsibility of the financial sector to transform, and the net-zero challenge of the supply chain. The forum explores how the financial and industrial sectors can respond to sustainable transformation challenges to achieve mutual growth and prosperity.   Click here to register now👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gy3KzUpr   #FubonFinancialHoldings #BepositiveAllpossible #ESG #FubonSustainableFutureForum

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    淨零碳排🌏是一場長期賽事。富邦持續發揮金融影響力,陪同台灣一起努力奔向綠色。2024年第一季,金控及子公司ESG績效深獲國內外媒體肯定: • 《Brand Finance》:富邦金控-全球500大最佳永續聲譽品牌,台灣金控業第一🏆 • 《品牌與商業雜誌》: 富邦人壽-台灣最佳數位客戶體驗保險公司 台北富邦銀行-2024最佳社會責任銀行 • 《財訊雜誌》: 台北富邦銀行-2024財訊財富管理大獎-最佳公益推動、創新信託獎、最佳數位金融 富邦證券-2024財訊財富管理大獎-最佳服務、最佳數位金融、金融與創新服務 • 《數位銀行家》:富邦產險-2024最佳保險業傑出數位化客戶體驗轉型獎 富邦金控將秉持「低碳、數位、激勵、影響」四大策略,持續為永續生活努力 #富邦金控 #ESG #RunForGreenᵀᴹ 👇👇一起了解富邦永續四大策略行動成果👇👇 Fubon Financial Holdings looks forward to becoming a "first-class financial institution in Asia" and continues to jointly promote net-zero carbon emissions in Taiwan through its financial influence. 🌏 The ESG performance of the financial holding company and its subsidiaries was widely recognized by domestic and international media in the first quarter of 2024: ·      《Brand Finance》: Fubon Financial Holdings-Sustainability Perceptions      Index 2024-No.1 in Taiwan Financial Holding Industry🥇 ·      《Brands and Business Magazine》: Fubon Life Insurance-Best Digital Customer Experience Taiwan 2024; Taipei Fubon Bank-Best Socially Responsible Bank 2024 ·      《Wealth Magazine》: Taipei Fubon Bank- Wealth Management Awards 2024 - Best Social Empowerment Award, Innovative Trust Services Award, Best Digitized Award; Fubon Securities-Wealth Management Awards 2024 - Best Customer Services Award, Best Digital Finance Award & Financial Services Innovation Award ·      《The Digital Banker》: Fubon Insurance-Digital CX Awards 2024-Highly Acclaimed: Outstanding Digital CX Transformation in Insurance Fubon Financial Holdings will continue to strive for sustainable living by adhering to the four major strategies of "Decarbonization, Digitalization, Empowerment and Connection". 💪 We cordially invite you who cares about sustainable Taiwan and green finance to join us in paying attention to Fubon's sustainable practices. 👇👇👇

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  • 瀏覽Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金控的組織專頁,圖案

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    富邦致力打造友善職場,讓每一種人才在富邦都可以發揮自我價值!   富邦金控,是《yes123》求職網調查報告中,2024年畢業生最想進入的夢幻企業,也是連續13度蟬聯《現代保險雜誌》「最嚮往的金控公司-特優」。   富邦金控旗下擁有各種不同業態的子公司,致力打造「金融百貨」,不只提供消費者最完整的金融產品與服務,也提供求職者多元職涯選擇。透過富邦金控四大永續策略中的「激勵」策略,富邦以打造友善健康之幸福職場為己任,力邀不同背景的成員加入,多元化的團隊與友善共融的職場環境,讓每一種人才在富邦都可以發揮個人長處、實現自我價值。   走進富邦企業內部,我們看見不同人才的價值,富邦人壽廣邀多元背景人才加入,為轉職者找回人生自主權;台北富邦銀行為特教生開拓職涯新選項,讓他們在金融職能領域中實現價值。   非凡電視採訪報導👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/egEpYi-c 精彩案例傳送門👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/eNYvhXzQ   關於富邦金控 https://lnkd.in/eqXXTf-2   #富邦金控 #正向力量成就可能ᵀᴹ #ESG四大策略 #激勵     Fubon is committed to cultivating a friendly work environment where each talent is empowered to recognize and fulfill their unique potential. According to the survey results released by “Yes 123”, Fubon Financial Holdings has been identified as a dream employer where it stands out as the preferred choice for the college graduates of 2024. Fubon Financial Holdings has also been rated as the “Most Desired Financial Holding Company – in the excellent category” of “RMIM Inc.” for 13 consecutive years. Fubon Financial Holdings, with a multitude of subsidiaries across various industries, is dedicated to establishing a “financial department store”. This initiative aims to provide customers with a comprehensive array of financial products and services while offering job seekers with diverse career opportunities. Applying the “Empowerment” strategy, which is one of the four Fubon’s sustainability strategies, Fubon is dedicated to creating a friendly, healthy, and joyful work environment. Fubon warmly welcomes individuals with different backgrounds to join the company. In this diverse and inclusive workplace, each talent can capitalize on their unique abilities and achieve their personal fulfillment. At Fubon Financial Holdings, we see and cherish the values of different talents. Fubon Life invites experienced individuals in search of new jobs to join the company and provides them the opportunities to steer their career paths. Similarly, Taipei Fubon Bank offers special education students new career options and gives them the chances to boost their self-worth in the financial industry. Unique Satellite TV News Report👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/egEpYi-c Discover captivating stories👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/eNYvhXzQ Regarding Fubon Financial Holdings https://lnkd.in/eFQVzUCm #FubonFinancialHoldings #BepositiveAllpossible #ESGFourStrategies #Empowerment
