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Visas solely for the purpose of studying instead of business, working or tourism.

11 votes

Do you need to enter France directly for the visa to be valid?

Quite generally: He can enter the Schengen Area at any point He can make as many stops as he wants outside or inside the Schengen Area. Stops outside the Schengen Area may have their own requirements …
jcaron's user avatar
  • 82.9k
4 votes

Visa application asking if you have a residence in country other than your nationality

The visa by itself does not make you a resident in that country: you could have a visa and not use it. The question is whether you are actually residing in a country different from your citizenship co …
jcaron's user avatar
  • 82.9k
15 votes

Will the UK home office know about 5 previous visa rejections in other countries?

The application form asks: Immigration history For either the UK or any other country, have you ever been: Refused a visa Refused entry at the border Refused permission to stay or remain Refused asy …
jcaron's user avatar
  • 82.9k
5 votes

Where is the Immigration check Mumbai-Paris-Cincinatti?

Provided both flights are on the same ticket and you fly on the Paris-Cincinnati direct flight: In Mumbai, the airline will check that you have the required documentation to: Transit France airside …
jcaron's user avatar
  • 82.9k