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Large English-speaking country in North America between Canada and Mexico, and Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Used for questions on traveling from, to, or through the USA. For general questions about North America, use the [north-america] tag but be more specific (eg State) where relevant.

-2 votes

Can I get arrested for loitering?

You can wander about anywhere at anytime of the day or night without raising the slightest suspicion simply by taking along a dog.
Oscar Bravo's user avatar
7 votes

How could a Washington registered car travel to Zürich?

The vast majority of cars in Zürich have non-EU plates... Because Switzerland isn't in the EU! But I guess you mean non-European. In this case, it is quite common to see US models on Swiss roads: as …
Oscar Bravo's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

How, exactly, does the ESTA system work - specifically on arrival?

I am travelling to the US next week and want to check I have it right about how the ESTA system works. Other answers like this this one, describe what the process is and how to apply, but do not expl …
Oscar Bravo's user avatar