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Keeping out of danger, risk, or injury. Use with questions about people; when referring to things, use "security" instead.

11 votes

How does one recover from a (personal) disaster while abroad, travel-wise?

You will need to rely on the kindness of strangers. At least as far as getting access to a phone and calling friends or family back home (presumably calling collect). Typically, you will have a hote …
Kris's user avatar
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6 votes

How to use USB decryption from Internet cafes?

For added safety, upload your KeePass file to a DropBox account (or similar) for easy access even if you lose your USB stick. …
Kris's user avatar
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30 votes

Is it safe to use earbuds in an airplane?

They are not going to be 'sucked in'. Pressure increase in the cabin (causing inward pressure) happens fairly gradually as the plane descends. Even in an uncontrolled dive, it will take awhile for a p …
Kris's user avatar
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12 votes

How safe is it to fly with Ryanair?

The European Aviation Safety Rules are quite strict and non-compliance will quickly get you grounded or banned (if you are a non-EU carrier) from European skies. … While there may be some trivial difference in overall safety between airlines that comply with these rules, any airline that is in compliance is far safer to travel with than driving. …
Kris's user avatar
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17 votes

Does my Emirates flight from London to Dubai fly over Syria?

I looked up an Emirates flight from Gatwick to Dubai on FlightRadar24 and came up with EK12. Seems they avoid Syria and Iraq and fly over Iran. …
Kris's user avatar
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11 votes

How do I find a campsite that allows campfires in Iceland?

No. Any open fire requires a permit. A campsite might operate a communal campfire on special occasions, but guests are not allowed to light their own campfires. Reference: Icelandic Tourist Board, …
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10 votes

Should I cancel my trip to Turkey due to the recent (July 2013) protests?

You should consult your country's travel advisories. All countries maintain such advisories, usually the state department is responsible for them. For example here is Canada's advisory on Turkey. Curr …
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