Can anyone tell me if a U.S. citizen with a 40-year old murder conviction (out on parole 7 years with no further criminal activity) who is not on the Interpol or no fly list is able to enter Argentina by ground or air, and gain residency there? Or can you provide a list of any countries that will allow entry and residency?

  • 4
    if your motivation is to gain residency, and you would not be satisfied with a mere visit, then expatriates is a better fit Commented Jun 23 at 14:00
  • 1
    On what basis?? Retirement? Family reunification? Work?
    – Traveller
    Commented Jun 23 at 15:36
  • 3
    Note to future posters: Generally speaking if you are asking about something related to past or present criminal activity, it may be prudent to use a throwaway account name ("John Doe" or just a default "Userxxxxx"). Anything is possible here - e.g., OP may be speaking about someone else and picked a random name of a convicted criminal, but this seems a bit...inadvisable.
    – manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact
    Commented Jun 23 at 15:57
  • 3
    If the conviction is this then I suspect most countries would find a legal reason to deny.
    – Traveller
    Commented Jun 23 at 16:21
  • 6
    Do the parole conditions allow that? I'd expect one of the parole conditions to remain within the jurisdiction and to check in regularly with the parole supervision officer, which would be hard to do living in another country. Violating parole conditions will lead to revoking the release and demand of extradition from wherever you are. Which, I assume, is why you're interested in Argentina specifically...
    – littleadv
    Commented Jun 23 at 17:08