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Loren Pechtel
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It's happened to me--single entry visa, the officials at the destination country decided the whole group of us weren't getting in. (Internal issues, not a problem with us.) I think the border guards of the country we left were used to the situation, we had no trouble getting back in as if we had never left. I don't have that passport anymore to see if they put any special notation in it when this happened.

Edit: As per request: This was on the Burundi/Congo border, 1982.

It's happened to me--single entry visa, the officials at the destination country decided the whole group of us weren't getting in. (Internal issues, not a problem with us.) I think the border guards of the country we left were used to the situation, we had no trouble getting back in as if we had never left. I don't have that passport anymore to see if they put any special notation in it when this happened.

It's happened to me--single entry visa, the officials at the destination country decided the whole group of us weren't getting in. (Internal issues, not a problem with us.) I think the border guards of the country we left were used to the situation, we had no trouble getting back in as if we had never left. I don't have that passport anymore to see if they put any special notation in it when this happened.

Edit: As per request: This was on the Burundi/Congo border, 1982.

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Loren Pechtel
  • 8.1k
  • 27
  • 34

It's happened to me--single entry visa, the officials at the destination country decided the whole group of us weren't getting in. (Internal issues, not a problem with us.) I think the border guards of the country we left were used to the situation, we had no trouble getting back in as if we had never left. I don't have that passport anymore to see if they put any special notation in it when this happened.