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I already am freelancing for a client who is from the U.S. We were supposed to file for H1BH-1B this year. Due to unforeseen incidents we were not able to do so.

Is it possible to visit US on a tourist VISAvisa and freelance from there? May be

Maybe even rent a Househouse to Staystay?

I already am freelancing for a client who is from the U.S. We were supposed to file for H1B this year. Due to unforeseen incidents we were not able to do so.

Is it possible to visit US on a tourist VISA and freelance from there? May be even rent a House to Stay?

I already am freelancing for a client who is from the U.S. We were supposed to file for H-1B this year. Due to unforeseen incidents we were not able to do so.

Is it possible to visit US on a tourist visa and freelance from there?

Maybe even rent a house to stay?

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Work as freelancer while tourist in US for an already existing US client?

I already am freelancing for a client who is from the U.S. We were supposed to file for H1B this year. Due to unforeseen incidents we were not able to do so.

Is it possible to visit US on a tourist VISA and freelance from there? May be even rent a House to Stay?