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Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window after being asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window after being asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window after being asked to stay away from the door.

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Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window whenafter being asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window when asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window after being asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

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If Muslims respectfully ask non-Muslims to keep away, in their own country, mind yougoverned by their own law, it'srespectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive and disrespectful to try and findpretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's housewindow when asked by the owner to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

If Muslims respectfully ask non-Muslims to keep away, in their own country, mind you, it's offensive and disrespectful to try and find a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's house when asked by the owner to stay away.

Muslims, in their own country, governed by their own law, respectfully ask non-Muslims to stay away. It's offensive to pretend to be a Muslim as a way around that. It's like trying to get into someone's window when asked to stay away from the door. I'm surprised that moderators let this insulting question stay.

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